5| Curious

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The once small and cute tiny baby soon grew up to be an adorable and curious 6-year-old.

Everyone grew to like her as if she were actually their own.

But her being extremely curious made things a little difficult.

*a few days ago*

Jin was cooking supper for everyone which just so happened to be some good ol' ramen noodles.

"Hey Daddy, what are you doing?" [Y/n] questioned as she skipped happily into the kitchen after playing video games with Jungkook and Taehyung.

"I'm cooking sweetie. Weren't you playing with Kookie and Tae?"

"Mmmm.. yes, but Kookie wouldn't let me win on Mario Cart so I left." She answered sadly, a small pout on her lips.

Jin chuckled at that.

"Okay then. Would you like to help me set the table? I'm almost done with the food." He asked and already knew her answer. [Y/n] loved to help others, it was just her nature.

"Sure!" She replied, a big smile on her face.

"Okay. First go grab the bowls and utensils." Jin ordered, stirring the delicious-smelling noodles.

[Y/n] did as told and set the table, occasionally humming a small happy tune as she did so.

"Guys!! Supper is ready!" Jin suddenly yelled, [Y/n] already sitting at the table and ready to eat her food.

All you could hear was footsteps trampling down the staircase and then multiple figures entered the dining room.

"Hi Kookie oppa, did you win again?" [Y/n] spoke, a small pout on her face as she watched Jungkook smile.


"You're mean."

"How am I mean? It's not my fault I'm the greatest at Mario Cart," he replied, smiling at [Y/n] teasingly.

"Meanie oppa." She mumbled.

"What was that?" Jungkook asked even though he clearly heard it as did the others because of their sensitive hearing.

"Nothing~" she said and watched Jin bring over a small bowl of noodles to her, making her smile.

"Yay!" She clapped cutely, making everyone chuckle of smile at her.

Soon everyone was digging into their food. [Y/n] was already done since she loved Jin's ramen noodles so much.

Seeing as it would be rude to leave the table, [Y/n] remanded in her spot between Yoongi and Taehyung.

She soon became bored though.

So she decided to look around and find something to talk about.

"Hey, what's that Tae oppa?" [Y/n] curiously wondered, pointing at a transparent wine glass with dark red liquid in it.

"What's what- oh.."

"Is that tomato juice? Can I have some?"

"No, you can't. It's uh... it's a different type of... of tomato juice... oh! And you wouldn't like it." He replied as calmly as he could, thinking of ways to dodge the actual answer. She would freak if he said it was blood since she doesn't know that any of her oppa's are actually Vampires.

"Oh. Well can I try it..." she trails off, watching as Taehyung ignored her and continued to eat. She seen this as a opportunity to snatch the glass.

"Hmm.." she hummed and inspected the strange so-called 'tomato juice'.

'It looks tasty, but it smells weird...'

Her curiosity took over her making her tip the glass (as steadily as she could hold it) towards her lips.

'Ha, Tae oppa! What if I like it? I'll be right and you'll be wrong! Hehe..'

The red liquid touched her lips in a matter of seconds and entered her mouth.

All she could taste was something metallic and gross.

Tomato juice doesn't taste like that..

Her instant reaction was to set the glass back down. She struggled to swallow it because it was terrible tasting but she wanted to show Taehyung that she at least tried it. Thought he was right, it tastes different..

"Ew!" was the first thing she said after finally managing to swallow the terrible tasting liquid.

Taehyung was the first to look at her and gasp quietly.

"[Y/n]! What'd you do?" He asked softly as he wiped the red liquid off her lips.

Another gasp was heard and suddenly Jin appeared in front of [Y/n] with a worried face on.

"Baby... what happened? Did you hurt yourself?" He asked as he gently caressed her cheeks.

"Mmmm... I don't like Tae oppa's tomato juice Daddy.. it's icky!" She exclaimed, confusing Jin and everyone else who was now watching.

"Tomato juice? What do you mean honey?"

"That." She said and pointed to Taehyung's wine glass that was now in front of her bowl of noodles.

"Oh my... sweetie, you can't have that." Jin says, starting to wipe off the rest of the red liquid from her lips and chin.

"Why not?" She questioned, curiosity getting to her again.

"It's different than the tomato juice that you like." He then explained.

"I know that, I tried it and it's gross... I didn't like it very much Daddy.." she frowned.

"Oh my gosh she tried it..." Jin muttered to himself and shook his head lightly from side to side in disappointment.

"Honey, don't touch Taehyung's so-called tomato juice anymore, okay? It's bad for you." Jin says lastly before grabbing a wet cloth to take the blood off her face.

She then turned to Taehyung, "Mmmm aren't you happy I tried it at least Tae oppa?" She pouted, thinking she tasted the horrible liquid for nothing.

"Um.... sure?" He replied with a slow and unsure shrug. He didn't want her to be upset.

"Yay!" She happily exclaimed, slightly bouncing on her chair.

"[Y/n], sweetie, stop moving I'm trying to clean your face." Jin spoke.


- A/N -
How was this chapter? We're just getting started. 6-year-old [Y/n] is pretty curious. Can't say I wasn't when I was around that age lol

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