A/N : Make a vote.

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May 5th, 2020

[ EDIT :  the vote is settled!  I shall replace the current plot with the new version since a lot of you really liked and supported my want to change it.  Thank you very much, my lovelies!  I love you all so dang much 💞💝💞💓💖💕💖💓💝💝💝💓💖💕💕💖💓 ]

Hello, my lovelies!  It's 2 in the morning as I'm writing this author's note, so please read it!

I have taken it upon myself to rewrite Rain's prologue, and so far I really like the new version.  But I'm here to grasp on your opinions so I can know whether to replace the existing prologue or keep it (even tho it sucks).

Please read this version of the prologue and tell me your thoughts on it.  This new version is connected to chapters 1, 32 and 33, so it is more into the plot than the current one.

< I hope you like it... >

The atmosphere surrounding the city was gloomy as if something terribly bad had happened; the stars twinkled in sadness as so did the shimmering and bright, full moon. In a dark alleyway stood a married couple, a man and a woman in their mid-thirties, the woman carrying a small crying child in her arms.

"Did we do the right thing?" the woman asked into the cool night air, her beige coat wrapped securely around the child. "What are we even going to do with this poor thing?" she wondered, her eyes casting down to gaze at the upset infant.

"We have to do something," said the man as he held his hand out to calm the baby. "Let's just go home, for now, my dear. There we'll be able to figure out what to do with this baby."

The man and woman made their way back to their car and with the crying child in mind, they travelled back to their home, in Seoul.

The drive from Busan to Seoul took four hours of their time, making it one o'clock in the morning by the time they arrived there. They intended to drive straight home, but the woman was determined to find a place she could drop the baby off, yet her efforts were sadly wasted as she couldn't find any orphanages in the area.

The car pulled to a stop when the man who was driving had noticed that they were apparently lost. How funny is it to find that you're lost in a city you've been raised in from birth. The man grumbled in defeat and got out with the woman and child, stepping onto the wet streets in search of some sign to help them get back home. All of a sudden, a group of dangerous-looking guys turned around the corner, scaring the man and the woman who held the baby tightly against her chest.

"Ray, we have to leave!" cried the woman, backing up in fear of the approaching men.

The man ran to his wife's side, quickly taking her hand and making a run for it. Their fearful eyes kept watch on the men as they ran, noticing how they followed close behind and then picked up in speed, full-on chasing the couple. These streets were dangerous, and the man and woman had no idea where to go. They ran and ran, but the group of men kept following them. They wanted them for something, but the couple had no clue what.

Turning a corner, the woman was pushed against a wall as her husband was knocked to the ground. How'd they get there so fast?! The woman cried as she tried to think of what to do in this situation, but she couldn't help but want to put the baby first before herself. Not having a single clue where the child would end up, she dashed in a random direction, noting how the men instantly began following her instead of hurting her husband further. The woman was scared for her life.

Footsteps patted down a street lit up with tall lamps, the woman still running as she desperately searched for a doorstep. She turned a corner and gasped as she spotted the men grow closer to her and the baby. The woman nodded to herself and ran to the only lit doorstep on the street, a big brick building that seemed like an apartment, but really wasn't. Eyes wide and focused on the baby, she carefully sat the crying child down on the doorstep, but not before saying her goodbyes to the sweet little thing.

The men had caught up to the woman, but she quickly drew their attention away from where she put the baby by acting like she was still running away with the child. They wanted the child, right? So come and get her. Luckily for the baby, the men followed the woman's plan as they sped up towards her, scaring her ultimately at how fast they were. She kept on running, leading them away from the child.

Then the door opened.

< Did you like it? >

If you liked it and want me to replace the old prologue, in-line comment here <———

If you don't want me to replace the old prologue, in-line comment here <———

Thank you for voting and please take care of yourselves! I love you all very much.


Rain || BTS x Child readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя