99| The Concert

999 50 13

Thursday, April 23rd
— 7:43 p.m.

     You could imagine. Taehyung and Minseon were giggling like a bunch of excited schoolgirls in the back of the van, scaring you almost every time they'd let out the occasional, high-pitched squeal. You didn't get how they could both be so excited over this group.

     "It's okay, [Y/n], I don't understand either," whispered Hoseok as he buckled his seatbelt and leaned back into the seat, staring at the two weirdos in the back through the rearview mirror.

     You quietly giggled and buckled your seatbelt, leaning your head against the headrest. "Have you ever been to a concert, Hobi-oppa?" you asked as you glanced out the window to see Namjoon running out to the van you guys were in.

     "Actually, yeah, a long time ago." Hoseok smiled at you, then snickered when Namjoon accidentally ran into the driver's door because he didn't move his hand in time to open it. He then proceeded to speak about the concert. "It was for a small group, not quite popular at the time but they were rocking the stage despite only having less than thirty people there," he said, sighing in content at the old memory.

     "Was it a rock band?" you inquired softly.

     "No," he chuckled, "just a debut stage for a new group. It was a few years before we found you."

     You nodded and glanced out the window as the van started moving forwards, tons of buildings passing by and lots of people crowding the streets.  You could hear Minseon's excited little thoughts whilst he happily chatted with Taehyung, who was apparently showing him pictures of his bias.  The two of them seemed closer after they discovered their shared love for April.  You thought it was simply adorable.

     The city streets were covered in all kinds of tourists, foreigners, excited teenagers, and many more types of people.  The sky was starting to get dark as time went by, along with the pretty neon lights and signs that came alive at night. 

     After ten minutes of squealing boys and driving through semi-heavy traffic, the five of you finally arrived at a huge stadium, that you honestly didn't know the name of. You and Hoseok were first to get out of the vehicle, then Minseon hopped out with Taehyung clung to his side. To be honest, you couldn't help but feel a ping of jealousy for Minseon choosing to stay with someone else during his time here, which was kinda dumb because it shouldn't really matter who he sticks with; and besides, he's better off with Tae, rather than you, who knew absolutely nothing of this group that practically everyone loved.

     "Hey, guys," Namjoon announced, catching our group's attention, "I promise I'll be here by the time the concert is over with. It's done somewhere around ten o'clock, right?"

     Hoseok whipped around and nodded. "Yeah, about ten-thirty," he confirmed with a thumbs up.

     Namjoon quickly wrote down the time as an alarm on his phone, then restarted the van, waving. "Okay! Have fun, guys!" he said before speeding off into the streets.

     "I don't know why Jin-hyung lets him drive," Hoseok shook his head with a tsk, "he almost crashed the van more than seven times in the past year."

     "Oh, don't be so mean, hyung!" Taehyung was quick to defend poor Joonie, his hand held on his heart. "Namjoonie-hyung is not the most perfect driver, but it makes him super happy when he gets to take us places," he softly explained, patting Hoseok's shoulder briefly. "Now, why don't we get inside? It's time to have some fun!"

     The four of you got your tickets checked over once you got in the building, which they were all legit so there was no issue. You and the others were then guided by a kind lady to your assigned seats, the fourth row from the GA floor. Hoseok and Taehyung sat on the outside while you and Minseon were happy and safe between them. 

     Taehyung and Minseon had already purchased two lightsticks for themselves upon entering the stadium, so they were beyond excited when the huge screen behind the stage cut to a bright blue sky, introducing the members one by one to the crowd, a soft piano playing in the background.

     "I-I can't believe I-I'm here!"  Minseon shouted amongst the loud screaming from fans, his heart beating rapidly in your ears despite the ear-piercing squeals surrounding your seating area.

     "Oh, my God!!!  DAWN!!"  a woman in her twenties yelled when a handsome male with dyed purple hair appeared on the screen, almost scaring the life out of you.

Minseon furiously tapped your shoulder, pointing to the screen. "L-Look! There sh-she is!" Minseon squealed, "Crystal!!"

You instantly covered your sensitive ears at how close his voice was, not used to hearing him yell so loud when he's usually pretty quiet. But you felt happy for him; he was finally getting out to do something he never got to do before, and especially for a group he really admired. You were lucky enough to be with him for this special moment, even if you were super confused about the whole thing.

The music stopped and suddenly the members rose on a platform from underneath the stage floor, waving happily to fans as they hopped off the platform. Everyone was screaming different names, most of which were about Dawn.

"Hellooooo, everybody!" a pink-haired male shouted in the microphone. "How are my lovely fans today? I hope you're ready for a night of fun with April!" he smiled, his face showing up on the screen behind him.

     "Th-that's Hal — h-he's the leader o-of the g-group a-and a rapper,"  Minseon explained from your right.  "The b-brown-haired one is H-Holly, sh-she's the main d-dancer; the p-purple-haired one i-is Dawn, he's the visuals a-and a v-vocalist,"  Minseon said and took a deep breath before continuing,  "and th-that's Crystal, the b-blue-haired one!  She's b-beautiful, isn't she?  S-she's the lead v-vocalist and center!"

     You could tell he really liked Crystal.  He was right, she is pretty.  You started feeling that same sting of jealousy again.

     "Hey, Minseon,"  Taehyung called, then leaned into Minseon's ear and started to whisper some things you couldn't quite catch.

     Minseon nodded and pulled back, looking at you for a moment before hiding his face behind his sleeves.  Why was he acting like that?  Was it Crystal's doing?

     The boy then turned to you, giving his lightstick to Taehyung to hold.  "[Y/n], a-are you... j-jealous?"  Minseon whispered really close to you, making you pull back a little from his cute face.

     "J-Jealous?  Me?  Haha, no!"  you hastily replied, trying to seem all as normal to him.  "Um, why would you th-think that?"  you mumbled.

     "T-Taehyungie-hyung t-told me,"  he simply whispered.

     'Frick!  That means he felt my jealousy...'  you thought to yourself, feeling embarrassed that you were caught red-handed.

     "It's okay, [Y/n]!  Don't worry, I'm not mad at you, I promise.  Was it because of Crystal?"  Minseon spoke within your mind, gently grabbing your hand and holding it carefully in his.  "I find it cute... you know, you being jealous.  I didn't think you'd feel that way over me liking an idol!"  he giggled softly and leaned towards your shoulder, burying his face in your neck as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his warmth.

     "I'm sorry for getting jealous, Minnie..,"  you shyly apologized, ignoring the wiggly brows Taehyung was sending you.  "It's stupid, I know, but I feel very... possessive of you, and I... I don't know why, really."

     "I-It's okay,"  Minseon reassured, slowly pulling away from you.  "Let's e-enjoy the show, o-okay?  Th-they're about to s-start singing!"

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
Hi, everyone!!!  I'm sorry for not updating :(((  I was really stressed-out about school and I was too busy trying to distract myself by reading a bunch of books and webtoons.  Be ready for more updates, though!  I'm ready for some fun ;)

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