61| Starve

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Jimin panicked.  "Wh-Where could she be?  Th-That kid—!  Where could he have t-taken her?!  Answer me, hyung!"  the blonde stammered as he shook his older brother's shoulders desperately, his eyes shaking and forehead slightly sweating from fear and the heat of the room. Jimin was the only one who was freaking out on the outside. But, believe me when I say even the others, the older ones as well, were freaking out but in secret as to not worry everyone else.

"Jimin," Namjoon breathed out, his eyes tired and his fluffy purple hair a little messy from lack of sleep. After all, it's already been 2 days since the kidnapping. The older pulled the shaking blonde into a tight hug, the younger boy feeling slightly surprised at the sudden, unexpected action. "We'll find her, so please, calm down." he spoke in a small mumble that only Jimin could pick up, sighing shakily into the younger's shiny hair, breathing in the scent of roses.

Meanwhile, in the living room: Jungkook paced and paced and paced around, ignoring his girlfriend's worried glares as he continued to think of possible places [Y/n] could've been taken to.

Yeonmi sighed softly as she placed her pale hands onto her lap, gazing around the room, deep in thought. She had this tugging feeling that just kept coming at her; a feeling she couldn't quite decipher in words. After the unfortunate news of [Y/n]'s kidnapping 2 days ago, she felt like she had a way to help but couldn't really remember or think of what she wanted to say. Why was it so hard to think in this room? the vampire thought with a frown, growling quietly, almost inaudible to anyone's ears.

Seokjin frowned at everyone's state, entering the living room and patting Jungkook's shoulder, the younger just whimpering quietly. "Guys, you haven't been sleeping or eating much since... since she's been taken," he stated truthfully, careful with his choice of words as to not get the other two upset. "Come to the kitchen, please, I have some blood you can drink. You need it badly, you two look terrible." he shook his head not in disappointment, but in a sympathetic way. Seokjin felt so sad and torn without [Y/n], not knowing everyone felt the same. He walked silently off to the other room, the others watching him leave with an unreadable expression.

"We should.. go, Jungkook." Yeonmi softly said as she stood on her feet, slightly wobbling to the side. The vampire quickly clasped onto the armrest of the couch to steady herself. "I'm not feeling all too well and neither are you, I can tell."

Jungkook only sniffed, secretly wiping his eyes as small, hot tears started pouring out of them. He felt weak, heartbroken and hungry. The young vampire refused to eat ever since his beloved younger sister was taken, the whole situation making him depressed. He eyed the blood packets every time Seokjin offered him one, but he refused with a sad look in his eyes. If this kept up he would either lose it, or faint of lack of food and sleep. With a short nod the half-blood trailed behind his girlfriend, their heads hung low.

"Ah, so you've come," the eldest smiled a little, at least feeling some sort of happiness knowing that he wouldn't have to witness his brothers fainting one by one. "The others came as well, they finally decided to give in and eat. Namjoon looked really bad.." he mumbled to himself, turning around for a brief moment before facing the two half-blooded vampires with two blood packets in his grasp. "Here, take one," he softly insisted, a small smile making its way on his lips as he watched Jungkook and Yeonmi both grab a packet.

"Thank you, hyung.." Jungkook mumbled before sinking his fangs into the packet and almost moaning at the taste. "It's been so long, hyung," he sighed out. "Is this my favourite?" the eldest only nodded to Jungkook, the younger smiling slightly at that. His brother was so caring, loving, and kind.

"I promise you," Seokjin spoke aloud, everyone's eyes on him as they ate their food. "I promise that we will find [Y/n], being her home, and she'll be okay. We just have to find the location."


Another agonizing scream echoed throughout the room, tears welling up in your eyes as you felt surging pain all over again. You wouldn't answer to him, honestly being because you didn't know what to say. He expected of you to have all the information he desired in seconds, but you couldn't give it to him. If you knew anything of your kind you would tell him in a heartbeat, but you didn't, and so you had to suffer the pain and torture more.

"ST-STO-STOPPPPPPPP—!" you cried out, tears falling and soaking the white t-shirt someone had somehow put on you when you first woke up here, kicking and screaming out in pain and agony. The electricity was too much, too much. It felt hot all over after every zap, your fingers and legs would twitch whenever you had a couple-second break.

"Why would we stop? You haven't said anything yet, so we don't plan on stopping anytime soon." the dark-haired male laughed darkly from the side, a evil glint always flashing through his eyes every time he would zap you with a click of the red button that was held firmly in his hand.

You screamed a lot; you just seemed to lose count a long time ago, not being able to properly think in peace without feeling so much pain. Maybe if you just stayed home that day, maybe you wouldn't be in this sort of place.  Your eyes drooped, sight fuzzy and dark.  You looked around the blinding area one last time before you fainted out of the blue, the last thing you seen was the evil man teasingly swinging around a blood packet.

Oh how hungry you were.

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
I didn't re-read this one so if there's any grammatical errors, sorry!  I'm gonna drink tea in about 10 seconds so lol bye

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