66| Don't Leave Me

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( A/N: oh ho ho~ long chapter ahead~~ )

As the girl slept soundly, a peaceful look upon her, two transparent ghostly-looking individuals talked amongst one another quietly beside her.

"Baby... I can't believe she's grown into such a beautiful young woman..." a woman softly whispered, reaching out her hand to hover over
her daughter's pale cheek as she stared lovingly down at her sleeping face.

"Yes, she certainly has, hasn't she?" said a young man who stood close beside the woman, smiling with the same amount of love as did the woman.

The woman gently pulled away from the sleeping girl, letting her husband get a look at who their daughter has become. She sighed with a smile. "I miss her, but... I know she's safe here. She has a wonderful family that will protect her at all costs, and I know that. I'm glad these are the people who took care of my baby.. I'm grateful for that."

As the two stood beside their child's bed, an older woman appeared quietly from behind them, a sad look on her face as she clearly knew these two ghosts.

"Minho? Bora?" Sangmi choked out, her eyes glistened in the dimly lit room, her mouth curving into a small smile. "Is it really you guys?"

The married couple slowly turned around, a surprised look crossing their faces for a brief moment before it switched with a look of happiness as they stared at their friend who has, indeed, grown old.

Bora, the young woman, laughed cheerfully seeing her best friend. "Sangmi! I can't believe it's you!" she smiled warmly and moved her arms to wrap around the witch, only to pull back with a sad gaze realizing she couldn't touch her.

"How are you two even here?" the witch questioned with a look of confusion gracing her features. Some ghosts are bound to the place they died, some can move around areas freely, and some can travel around with living people. But how did these two find [Y/n] in the first place?

Minho's gaze shifted to his daughter. "We don't really know; first we were home, then we suddenly felt the need to come to this place.... Who knew we'd find our daughter here."

Sangmi frowned a bit. "She might be calling you in her sleep..." she mumbled quietly.

Bora smiled brightly as she asked many questions about her daughter. "How's she doing? Does [Y/n] have friends? Why is she living with seven grown-men? Has she been enjoying life as a human—"

"The spell wore off, Bora."

The ghostly woman frowned slightly. "What? What do you mean?"

"The spell didn't last very long..." Sangmi said, moving her gaze to anything but the married couple. "I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect her as you asked me to... She was taken from my grasp right after the fire by some stupid mortal and somehow ended up here."

"But.. what about the spell? Is she okay?" Minho worried, moving to gently caress his wife's shaking hand.

"She's fine, actually. So much has happened to her, though. The spell started to wear off a bit before she turned fourteen, then it fully disappeared. She's... been living with vampires this whole time."


The quiet boy let out a nervous breath of air and carefully knocked his knuckles against the wood of the door, feeling hesitant to knock again since what happened last time. These people are just plain weird. Why does she live with seven grown-men anyway?? Brothers or not, they kind of freak me out. Something's not right with them.

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