16| Operation.. Gone wrong!

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You made sure you had your trusty sneakers on just in case you needed to run for whatever reason; also grabbing a jacket last second because it seemed quite cold out to you.

You followed Jungkook down a long street. The street lights dim and dull, practically only the moon giving off light.

'It's scary out here, but I want to make sure Kookie-oppa is safe.'

You smiled softly to yourself, thinking how you'd be helping Jungkook out with his sleepwalking habits.

You just wanted to make him happier.

Snapping out of your thoughts, you realized that you didn't recognize the street you were standing on.

You searched around hopelessly, looking for a sign to point you in the right direction.

But where'd Jungkook go?

You started to panic, looking around for any lifeforms that could potentially be your oppa; but no one was around but you.

'Oh god, oh god....where's Kookie-oppa?! I can't be out here a-alone...'

The panic in you risen by every passing second.

You were worried not just because you were lost, but also because you lost Jungkook.

You were freaking out.

But you had to stand up and find a way.

'I'll just choose a street...'

You chose the one to your right, following it in hopes you'd find Jungkook.

'Where could he be..? Does he always do this? Does everyone else have to follow him or something?'

Hearing sounds of pain, you quickly followed, but...it sounded...feminine.

'But Jungkook doesn't sound like that...who could it be then? D-Do I want to know..?'

The closer you got, the more you wanted to help. It sounded like that person was really in pain, you wondered what happened to them.

It wasn't far, just the next alleyway that was a couple feet from you.

Did you really wanna check?

You peeked around the corner, seeing one person laying on the ground, sleeping; one other person being held up by someone.

You sneaked up to the sleeping man, poking him gently.


You realized that maybe he was knocked out or something. The woman behind you was your main concern.

Once you turned around, it was like the moon wanted to show you who he really was.

Red eyes.

Sharp teeth.

Blood falling from the mouth.

Bite marks on the woman's neck...

A vampire.

You couldn't scream; your mouth open but nothing came out. You stared helplessly at the now dead woman and Jungkook.

You finally found your voice, but only to scream one thing.


You ran.

You didn't dare look back, you just wanted to run and find a place to hide. You were lost, you had no idea where home was.

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