7| Sick

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Today was a Monday, and unfortunately for [Y/n], she was sick with a cold.

It all started like this...


"Hi pumkin, do you wanna play video games with me, Tae and Kookie?" Hoseok asked as he exited his bedroom and into the hallway to stumble upon a bored-looking [Y/n].

"Mmm.. yeah! But it better not be Mario Cart... Kookie oppa wins too much on that game that it scares me now."

"Haha, I get that."

Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung, and [Y/n] were all sitting on Jungkook's bed playing Mario Cart... again. And only Jungkook has won for the past 20 rounds.

A small and cute "Achoo!" came from behind Hoseok, making everyone look towards [Y/n].

"Did you just sneeze?"

To be honest no one has ever heard [Y/n] sneeze before.

But they all thought it was pretty cute.

"Um.. yes." She answered before sneezing once again.

"[Y/n] you don't look too good.." Taehyung said, knowing that [Y/n] was not feeling well.

"Huh? I feel fine- Achoo!"

[Y/n] was now laying comfortably in her bed with Taehyung at her side to tell Jin how she's feeling.

Taehyung closed his eyes and hovered a hand over her head before realizing what's wrong with her.

"She has... a cold?"

"A cold?" Jin repeated.

"Yeah, apparently." Taehyung nodded confusedly.

"How'd she get that?" Hoseok asked, standing beside Taehyung.

"I dunno.. maybe from her friend Daehee visiting two days ago?"

"Yeah, you could be right." Hoseok nodded and moved so Jin could sit down on the bed beside [Y/n].

"Daddy.... I don't feel good.." [Y/n] mumbled.

"I know sweetie.. we're all here with you, to make you feel better." Jin said with a sad smile on his face. He never liked it when [Y/n] was mad, or sad, or hurting, or upset, or lonely, or crying, and he knew he especially didn't like it when she was sick.

She would be better by now, but sadly Jimin couldn't use his healing abilities on [Y/n] or she would question how she got all better in the matter of one minute. It would probably freak her out.

So that was a no.

Now they had to treat her the 'natural' way; by giving her medicine daily until she feels better.

"Tae oppa..." [Y/n] mumbled.

"Yes?" The said person replied, holding her hand.

"My head hurts. And your voice is really loud in my ear..." she said, covering one of her ears with her hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby," Taehyung apologized as he rubbed her head ever-so-softly to sooth her.

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