A/N : So close!!

1.1K 37 1

March 22nd, 2020

Come on guys!!  We're so close to 1 million views and we need more questions for the Q&A!!

If we don't have enough questions to make it decent then I have to delay when I publish it ;-;;;;;;;

The last Q&A I hosted was preeeetty long... so it had to go into 2 freaking parts, but this time all I need is some more people to ask questions- but not as much as the 200k Q&A (That's way too much lol).  I wanna make this interesting and fun!

Please send in your questions.....

Inline comment them on the part before this A/N- the other Author's Note titled "A Little Something" and the Q&A details are at the very bottom.

Please join in!


Rain || BTS x Child readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα