53| A Little Suspicous

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You woke up to a bright Sunday morning.  The sun shone through your curtains, cascading its warm rays of natural light on to your bed sheets.  You still laid there in bed, the once neat sheets now only laying around your waist, since you ended up kicking half of them off during the night.  You curled up, the sheets sticking to your waist as you moved your legs upwards and towards your chest. You wanted to sleep in, but you knew wasting a nice day like this was something that you would regret later.  Shifting sides, you yawned and stretched your muscles out.  You sat up, leaning your body weight mostly on your arm beside you. After a bit of time adjusting to the light in the room, you softly hopped off the mattress and headed to the wooden wardrobe to get properly dressed for the day. You wouldn't want to walk around in your heart-covered pajamas all day.

Once dressed you went downstairs and had a nice breakfast. To the living room you went - obviously just to chill and lounge around for awhile. You landed softly on the couch, crossing your legs as you turned on the TV to look for something interesting to watch and waste some time on. Now that you think of it, it's been about a week since Yeonmi has visited.  It's awfully strange, you thought.  You remember the happy, cheerful faces she made the first time she visited. Didn't she like it here?  She seemed so sad to leave and looked so eager to return as soon as possible.  She hasn't yet given us a call or text. Not even to her boyfriend, Jungkook. He's been actually pretty worried these past few days.

You flipped through channels after channels, not seeming lucky at finding something to watch that was actually interesting to set your eyes on. Suddenly the home phone that sat on the table beside the couch started to ring, making you climb over to it to see the caller ID. "The phone is ringing– ah!  It's Yeonmi unnie~"  you gasped, surprised yet smiling.  Not even a second after, Jungkook appreared and was already holding the phone up to his ear.

"Hey, noona,"  he spoke carefully into the phone.  You watched intently as he became quiet pretty quickly, a frown forming on his face over time.  You became a little worried at his expression.  "Okay, okay.  Calm down, noona.  You can stay at my place. I don't think the others will mind if they know your situation.  Mhm.  Mhm..  Okay.  Promise me you're okay?  Alrighty then..  Yeah, see you later.  Love you, too!  Bye."  Jungkook then hung up and looked to you with a expression of sadness mixed with worry.

"What's wrong oppa?  Is unnie okay?"  you asked, repositioning yourself to a better spot on the couch.

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Somehow, fire was unfortunately set to Yeonmi's house when she got home just half an hour ago."  he said softly, setting the phone down back down on the holder before approaching you.

You gasped.


"Yes, yes.  She said she's fine."  Jungkook assured. He looked off to the side, speaking again in a soft voice. "Here's the thing... there is some good news and bad news - and a little more good news.  The first good news is that the fire didn't burn everything down all at once.  The firefighters managed to calm the flames and keep some of the furniture okay and untouched.  Bad news is...  most of the living areas are either burnt to a crisp or severely damaged.  She can't live there for awhile until things are fixed or until she can move.  Sadly, she has nowhere to go since she doesn't have family or close friends around these parts that'll let her stay at their place for a bit.  But..!  The last good news is that I said she could stay here!  At least, until she can live in her house again or move."

You looked at him with your mouth agape.  Blinking a couple times, you let everything he said settle in your mind. Unnie will be staying with us? You thought, staring at the floor. That's oddly strange with the timing but I'm rather happy about this! Feeling excited, you abruptly jumped up and screamed cheerfully, "That's awesome!— well of course not the fire burning stuff down part— but that's literally awesome!  I was wondering where unnie was.  I wanted her to visit again and now she can!  How long can she stay for Kookie-oppa?"

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