68| Too Much

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"Another day of plain old school."  said Kyungsoo, stuffing his hands coolly in his pockets.  "Do you care to enlighten us on what happened after you woke up, hm?"  he questioned with a slight grin on his lips.

You frowned.  "Literally?  Do I really have to?"

"You're making it sound like something really bad happened."  Eric stated.  But like, spot on, my friend.

"Something really bad did happen!"  you exclaimed, shooting your arms above your head and into the air, your frown only becoming more evident.

"Do you want to tell us?"  Changjae asked, moving up to walk alongside you.  "I mean, you don't have to—"

"Please, please, please!  I wanna know, I wanna know!"  Kyungsoo whined like a child, folding his hands together and giving you puppy eyes.  Always so nosy..

You crossed your arms and huffed, looking away.  "Y-You know Na Minseon, right?"

"Who what now?"

"You know him, Kyungsoo!"

The werewolf frowned a bit. "I don't think I do..?"

"I'm.." you sighed and scratched your arm. "I'm talking about that boy you guys think I have a crush on."  you said, making sure to add a lot of emphasis to 'think'.

"Ohhhhh," they all said in unison, making you really want to facepalm yourself. But, you never really told them his name in the first place.. So it was kinda your fault.

"Anyways." you shook your head at them being all giggly behind you like young schoolgirls. "I.. almost hurt him."


"The guy you like?"

You frowned at Kyungsoo. "I do not—!"

"What did you do?" Eric questioned, changing the subject.

You sighed quietly, your voice turning thick as you remembered what you had almost done. "I woke up, and since they starved me at that— that place, I was hungry. I almost hurt him! I could have killed him if someone didn't pull me away." you elaborated, feeling regretful and guilty all over again. You fully stopped in your tracks once your eyes were set on Minseon by the school gate, who in return, stared you back.

Kyungsoo patted your shoulder softly, noticing the boy from afar. "So.. I'm guessing he knows now?" you nodded in reply. "Oh... And how's that going?" he asked, his voice sounding gingerly.

"It's going okay, actually. He freaked out after, but, we sorted things out and.. and he's actually interested in my kind..." you trailed off as you stared into the distance, a dreamy look in your eyes, oblivious to the, once again, giggly werewolves beside you.

Minseon quietly waited by the gates, a cute smile on his face as you guys were soon approaching him.

"Did you guys ever notice he smelt of chocolate and mint?" you asked randomly, a finger on your chin in thought.

"Why can't it be mint chocolate?"

You frowned at Eric, a confused look on your face. "Because it smells like chocolate with some mint..?" you questioned back.

Rain || BTS x Child readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora