Chapter 6. Takes One To Know One

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"You're funny when you're stoned," Ace said and chuckled.

I bursted into a fit of giggles. "It makes me feel so weird. You said I would relax, but all I want to do is laugh."

"You will come down and relax at some point," he said.

"What time is it?" I wondered.

Ace pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time. "Midnight."

We were on the second movie. The apartment was dimly lit by a light above the stove and the television. We sat close on the couch. His arm was slung over the back of the sofa. I was beside him with my knees up to my chest.

"I think I like it better than alcohol," I told him. "How much does this stuff cost?"

"It can be expensive unless you know somebody who grows it," he said.

"Do you grow it?"

"No, that's Austin's expertise."

"Austin was at Tina's a lot for a while, but he stopped going over there," I said.

Ace shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His eyes wouldn't meet mine. "He's been busy."

"I'm not buying that."

Ace looked down at me. "What do you mean?"

"Something about Austin has been bothering you. I've mentioned Austin twice, and it seems to upset you. Why? You two seemed close." My eyebrows knitted together, and I searched his eyes for the answer.

Ace shrugged and looked away. "We got into an argument."

"Siblings fight. Get over it," I muttered. "I'm sure it isn't worth staying mad at him about."

"You don't even know why I was upset with him," Ace scoffed.

"You're right," I agreed. "Tell me then." My voice filled with challenge. I did it on purpose to get him to tell me. I wanted him to tell me, and I was hoping he would fall for it.

"He was over there because of you," Ace said sharply. He looked down at me. His face was only a few inches from mine. He was close enough that I could smell his minty breath, which had a hint of cigarettes.

I swallowed hard. It wasn't what I was expecting. Why would Austin be there because of me? I barely spoke to him. "What?" My breath got caught in my throat. Ace's eyes held mine, and I couldn't have looked away even if I wanted to.

"Our fight was over you," Ace murmured.

"Me?" I squeaked. Boys don't like me. How could they possibly fight over me?

"You look so surprised," Ace said. His eyes filled with amusement. "You're gorgeous. Austin and I were both attracted to you instantly. What he feels and what I feel are different, though."

My pulse quickened, and my cheeks heated up. How are we talking about this? What is it doing to me? Oh lord. "How so?" I arched a brow.

"Austin doesn't tend to stay with one girl. He just liked the physical parts about you. I genuinely care about you, and I didn't want him to break your heart. What I feel is deeper than just attraction," Ace murmured. He looked as if he was afraid to admit it. He looked away.

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