Chapter 1

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Above is a sample picture of what the servant girls would have to wear for their station and duty in the castle.


(Two years ago)

"What is the damage?" The king asked.

"We believe due to the dryness of the land that lightning or some heat source started the fire."

"So you think it was a natural cause that brought the fire?"

"Yes, that is what that appears to be."

The king looked over the burned vineyard for a moment.

"We still have some wine stored away for trade, yes?" He asked while eyeing the man.

"Yes." He responded.

"Are there any plants that survived?"

"Yes, we should have enough wine to last us until the new plants are fully grown."

"Well, then, I expect this to be fixed immediately. Report to me of the progress of the vineyard, understood?"

"Yes, your majesty," the head Gardener said with a bow and walked away. His Majesty looked over the land, lost in deep thought.

"Your majesty!" Someone called out to the king. He turned to the source and saw one of his generals walking toward him. Once in front of the king, he bowed and said, "My apologies, sire, but there is something urgent that we must discuss with you."

"Alright then," he nodded, "Lead the way," the king motioned to the general.


(Two years later)

Hearing the rooster caw out signaled the time to rise and begin the day. I opened my eyes to see that it was still dark out. The sun hadn't even risen yet. I hear the groans of the other servants that don't want to wake up. Everyone rises at their own pace to change and make their beds; I've now begun to do the same. I quickly change, make my bed, and freshen up before I head over to the kitchen. As I arrive in the Kitchen, I see Marlow rolling out the dough for the morning bread. The kitchen is in full swing, and everyone is preparing breakfast for the servants and the nobles. I grabbed the nearest apron and begun tying it around my waist.

"Goodmorning, Aida," some of the Kitchen staff said as I walked in. I nodded my head and walked toward Marlow.

"Goodmorning, Marlow," I said as I kissed her on the cheek.

"Well, Goodmorning my Aida," she chuckled. Marlow was an old widow who had no children of her own. She had a plump figure with white hair, a face that showed her age, dark brown eyes, and seemingly cold nature; however, she was as kind as a purring kitten on the inside. She took me in when I was a young starving orphan that wondered upon the castle of Westward. If she didn't take me in, I don't know where I'd be to this day. I am very grateful for her, and she was the only person I had that was the closest thing to a mother figure.

I swept my long brown hair over my shoulder as I worked; Marlow looked at me, puts one hand on her hip, and tsks.

"I know, I know, don't worry, I'll put my hair up before I officially start my chores." I huffed as I pulled the fresh rolls out of the oven.

She gives me a smirk, chuckles again, and goes back to rolling out the dough. In the early morning and late evenings, I help out in the kitchen as much as possible as part of my duties here in the castle. Being in the kitchen is my favorite place to be; being with Marlow and the rest of the kitchen staff felt like home to me, considering this was where I spent most of my younger years. I continue helping Marlow with the rolls until it's time for me to grab breakfast. I grab some of the rolls and put them in a basket to take to the other servants' dining area. I walk in as everyone was already seated and eating. I put down the basket, sat down, said my prayers, and began eating. I knew I couldn't stay long, considering I had a lot to do. Most of us stood up to put our bowls in the basket in the corner of the room to be taken into the kitchen to wash our dishes. I began braiding my hair and removing my apron. I see Lilith waiting for me by the door.

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