Chapter 6

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Above is a photo that was close to my idea of what Elias would be wearing.



I gave Elias a change of clothes that would help him blend into the crowd, including a cloak with a hood.

"Alright, I think that's it," I said, looking over him.

"How do I look?" He asked.

"Ordinary," I replied.

"Aida! We are leaving!" One of the girls calls out again.

"Ah, we'd better get going," I rushed out of the door with the prince following behind. He put his hood up so he wouldn't be recognized. I ran over to the cart with some of the servants sitting in it. I put my basket in, and the others helped me up. Elias had no problem getting into the cart by himself. Most of the girls were busy chatting with one another, so I decided to sit somewhere else. The driver whistled, signaling the horses to start walking. I sat on the edge of the cart with my feet dangling; Elias followed suit and sat next to me.

"So, why are you all going into town?" He asked me.

"Well, we are going for different reasons, whether it's to get food, visit family, buy clothing or materials," I said.

"What about you then," He asked, "Why are you going into town?"

"Well, I'm going to the church's orphanage."

"Ah, that's why you brought cookies," He said. I nodded my head, smiling.

"I was beginning to think that you brought them to eat as a snack," He joked.

I laughed and shook my head no, "No, no, sorry to disappoint."

"If you don't mind me asking but why did you want to come with?" I looked at him with curiosity.

"When you mentioned that you were going into town I thought it'd be nice to get out of the castle for a bit especially with no entourage," He shrugged his shoulders. I nodded my head not needing anymore details.

After that, we sat in comfortable silence, taking in the fresh air and scenery. We all hopped off of the cart once we made it into town. They walked till we made it to the market. Crowds of people were out selling, buying, or looking around. Everyone split up to do their own individual activities.

"So, Aida is your name, I'm assuming?" Elias asked as we walked through the thick crowd.

"Yes, your highness it is," I said.

"Please call me Elias," He said, smiling.

Okay... Elias," I said hesitantly. We were silent again for a moment.

"So, why the orphanage?" He asked.

"Well," I took a moment deciding how I was going to approach this, "I was an orphan as well."

He looked at me sadly, "What happened?"

"I don't know, " I stopped to look at him, "My parents died before I could even learn their faces."

"Oh, I'm sorry," He said, "I understand losing a parent and not getting a chance to know them fully."

I knew who he was talking about, "Your mother," I said.

"Yeah," He said.

"Aida!" I turned to hear the voice that called to me; it was Sarah. She quickly came over to hug me. When we pulled away, she squeezed my arms and looked at me. Sarah was one of the nuns that lived at the church and took care of the orphans.

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