Chapter 4

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"Everard, what did you say to Elias?" Elma asked her husband.

"Elma, not tonight, please," He sighed tiredly as he eased himself into bed. They lay together in silence. Everard's eyes were closed but not Elma's; she looked up at the ceiling of their canopy bed.

She sat up to look at him. "Everard, I consider Elias as one of my own, and whatever you said to make him mad, I would like to know," She said sternly.

Everard rubbed his face and looked up at her. He sat up so that they were eye level.

"Elias is unmarried; it is time for him to take on responsibility as the prince and my son,"

"Everard, there is more to that; I know you well enough; what are you not telling me?" Elma began to lose her patience.

"Westward might be a target for war, and we need to be prepared for the outcome. So, I will be suggesting an arranged marriage for Elias." Elma looked at him, shocked, and then quickly grabbed her pillow and hit him with it.

"WHAT!" hit, "You made this-" hit, "decision-" hit, "without discussing it with me first??" Hit, hit, hit.

"Ow! woman, would you stop!" He held up his hands in defense. Elma held her pillow, ready to strike again.

"Start talking."


"Don't bunny me, Everard, now talk."

He groaned in frustration, rubbed his temples, and began, "Barlow had conquered its neighboring kingdoms. I am afraid that the King of Barlow might break our alliance contract. With that said, he might combine his army and the armies of the conquered kingdoms to sail across the sea and attempt to conquer Westward as well." He paused, "No matter how trained our men are, we are still in need of assistance if we want to be still standing at the end of this war. I have spoken to the other kings, and not all will stand and fight to help us. To favor our chances to win this possible war, Elias must marry."

Elma kept her composer despite hearing the news, "I see." She sat back down and put the pillow on her lap.

"Why must you do this to him?" she asked, not looking at him.

"There is no other way Elma," He took her hand in his and rubbed it softly. The queen thought about it for a moment.

"If you are going to do this, then at least let me make the match so he can, in some way, be happy in his new marriage?" She asked.

"Very well." He said and kissed the back of her hand.


During the middle of the night at the end of the celebration, a group of cloaked figures ran through the vineyard. As they quietly ran through, they were spreading something onto the ground. The group spread out through each row, trying to spread this substance. In the distance, the group turned when they heard the nearby watchtower door open, and out came three guards holding torches. As quickly as they came, the cloaked figures ran away and disappeared into the nearby trees. The guards engage in conversation while still holding the lit torches, unaware of the events within the vineyard.    


(The next morning)

Elias sturred and groaned from a massive headache that pounded in his skull. He sat up and propped himself on his elbows. As soon as he sat up, he had to shield his eyes with his hand from the sunlight that poured through the window. He squinted a little to look around and noticed he was in his room, in bed, his shoes were placed neatly nearby, his sword belt and jacket hung on to of the chairs. He then noticed a tray of food and a glass of water with a pitcher next to it.  He groaned again from the pounding headache; he rubbed the sides of his temples, hoping to calm it. He knew someone took care of him last night, but he did not know who, nor could he remember the face. Most of his mind was blurry from last night from drinking too much wine. He wished he could thank the person that helped him last night, but if only he knew who it was.

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