Chapter 5

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Above is a photo of what most of the handmaids would wear



Mary had me change into the handmaid dress and fixed my hair before heading to where Myla was. We speed-walked through the hallways till we made it to our destination. Myla was in the library doing her daily study with the teacher. We were there to make sure that Myla was tended to and make sure that she doesn't get into trouble. I shadowed Mary to learn the mannerisms and responsibilities of a handmaid. Some of this I had already known from covering for her a few times. We sat in the far corner of the room, watching Myla. Myla looked bored out of her mind. Mary was fast asleep, snoring softly, and was slightly slouched in her chair. I looked around the room in boredom, trying to find some way to be entertained. I noticed a bookshelf near my shoulder, and I looked back at Myla and the teacher making sure they were not looking my way. I slide the book out from its place and cautiously look around again, and began to open the book.

I was lost within the pages of the book when the double doors opened. In walked Elias and two of his men; they waited at the doorway threshold while Elias walked toward Myla. I hastily got up and hid the book behind myself. Mary woke up with a start, and as quickly as she could, she got up as well. We both bowed our heads down and kept them down. I looked up slightly to see what was going on.

"Elias!" Myla jumped from her chair and jumped in his arms to hug him.

"Your majesty, we are in the middle of a lesson." The teacher said, looking slightly annoyed.

"I apologize, but I am going to have to take Myla away, so you are dismissed for the day."

The teacher gave a small bow but had an annoyed look on his face and huffed in frustration.


"What are we doing today?" Myla asked her brother.

"I'm going to teach you how to ride a horse," He said and rubbed her head.

"Really?" She looked at him excitedly.

"Yes, now go get ready," He gestured toward the door.

"Okay," She said and began to run through the door. Mary sped walked trying to catch up to Myla Aida began to follow suit, but Elias stopped her when he took a double take noticing who she was.

"Hey," He said and looked her over, "So, you're a maid and a handmaiden as well unless there is a twin I don't know about?"

"No, your majesty," she slightly chuckled, "I am not a twin."

"I see," He said but became distracted by something poking out from behind Ada.

"And what might you be hiding behind your back?" Ada stiffened and tried to conceal the book behind her back more. She had been caught red-handed. She shamefully took the book from behind her back and handed the book to him. She lowered her head in shame and waited for her punishment. Elias looked at the book and flipped it from front to back.

"Here," He said and handed the book back to her. She looked at it flabbergasted and looked up at him. She gingerly grabbed the book from him and quietly thanked him.

"Consider this as payment for helping me," He said, gave her a small bow, and walked out of the library. Aida brought the book close to her chest as her heart was filled with happiness.


Mary and I helped dress Myla in a lighter dress so that it would be easier for her to ride. After we dressed her, we walked with her to the stables.

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