Chapter 10

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The men continue going over plans, security, recruits, and other concerns of the possible rise of a war on the other side of the sea. At this point, a group of 10 men is seated around the table, nodding, bringing in suggestions, concerns, finances, etc. Eldon addressed everyone accordingly and handled anything that was thrown at him. This impressed many of the old wise men that served the king. They sat on the other side of the wall, away from the table, observing and listening to the plans. Three old wise men in total were there to advise on some other perspective of things. Eldon never skipped a beat and handled everything so well that the older men did not need to give Eldon any advice at that moment.

"Elias," Eldon addressed his brother, "We will be sending you recruits to train and get caught up with the other men that are already seasoned warriors. Do you think you can handle this in a short amount of time?"

"It should not be a problem; the other men will continue their training without the recruits getting in their way. Though the recruits can learn a thing or two with the trained men, I think there should not be a problem in the slightest. They won't be perfect, but they will be good enough to conduct themselves and handle a sword well," Elias smiled.

"Good, good, I think that is all for now; thank you, gentlemen, you are all dismissed." All the men stood up in unison, bowed, and began to walk out the door with their new orders.

The room became noisy with all of the new commotions.

"That was very well done, your highness."

"Quite splendid."

"Your father would be very proud!"

The three wise men surrounded Eldon.

"Thank you, if it were not for your wisdom and my father's guidance, I would not be here today, if you will excuse me," Eldon spoke with politeness and gave a slight bow to the three men as they all smiled humbly, bowed and walked away.

"So," Elias looked at the backs of the retreating figures of the old men, "How long have you been a kiss ass?" He asked with slight teasing to his voice and turned and looked at him with a smile. "Ah, yes jolly good my young prince you have done well," Elias was now mimicking the men's old deep voices and began to stroke a fake long beard at his chin, "You are quite promising good breading too, I suppose-"

"Get out of here," Eldon chuckled and nudged his brother. He shook his head kept his attention back onto the map that their father showed them the other day of their kingdom and the neighboring kingdom across the ocean. Eldon's face became stiff as he was lost in thought. Elias stood there, observing his brother. Eldon pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Do you think it's enough?" He asked Elias.

"For now, yes. The real work begins when we are actually faced with the enemy." Elias responded.

"You're right," Eldon sighed.

"Come," Elias slapped Eldon's back, "Let's take a moment to get some food into our bellies; I am famished!" Eldon let his brother put his arm around his shoulder and guide him out of the door.


There was a knock at the door.

"Enter," Layne said with expressed boredom.

Lilith entered the room with Faye, one of the other maids. Lilith stopped dead in her tracks when she realized who it was. She immediately kept her head down and did a small curtsy with Faye. Layne was sitting in a chair near the fireplace, casually sipping on a glass of wine with his feet propped up on the table. He paid no attention to them as he swirled the contents in his cup.

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