Chapter 9

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Lilith walks down the hallway carrying sheets as per request from a guest who spilled their wine all over the bed that very morning. She began to pick up the pace keeping her eyes down not to make any eye contact with anybody. Lilith did not realize that she did not see who she was about to run straight into while rushing by. She went "oof" as she slammed into something hard, which made her lose her footing, sending her to the floor. The sheets drop into a heap on the floor. She looked up in shock and looked up at a white-blonde hair and blue-eyed man, the man she had not realized, was Layne. She quickly averted her eyes, stood up, and bowed her head, saying, "I am so sorry sir - I -I was not looking where I was going, please forgive me." She bowed again.

He tsked in annoyance. He looked as if he was going to walk past her, but he quickly turned to her and said, "Watch where you're going, maid, and do not cross me the next time we meet." With that said, he walked off with an entourage behind him. Lilith squeaked at the sudden closeness and aggressiveness of his voice, afraid that he would have punished her right on the spot. She lowered her head even more and quickly grabbed the now unfolded sheets and sped walked away from the embarrassment.

Lilith kept walking until she ran into Aida.

"Hey, Lillith," She smiled at her my her smile quickly faded as soon as she saw the look on Lilith's face, "What's wrong?" 

"I messed up..." Lilith looked down in embarrassment; tears were beginning to build up in her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," Aida looked at the distressed look on her friend's face, "Is everything alright? What happened?" 

Lillith spoke, trying to hold back her tears, "I ran- I ran into... I didn't mean to..." She paused, "It's nothing. I just forgot myself and made a noble upset, is all."

"Hey, I'm sure it's fine," Lillith began sniffling. Aida looked down at the sheets Lilith was carrying and decided to change the subject, "How about this I'll help you, and you can come with me and help me tend to Myla," She said with a smile. 

"Really?" Her face lit up.

Aida nodded her head with a small smile on her face. 

"Thank you, Aida," She said.


Aida and Lillith went to Myla's room where Mary was. It took some convincing, but Mary agreed to let Lillith be Myla's playmate for the time being. Myla showed Lillith her embroidery and pointed out the techniques she's learned and her improvements. Aida sat on a chair near Mary; Aida was smiling at the interaction while Mary was sewing one of Myla's dresses that had a seam rip open on one of the sleeves. Usually, the royal dressmakers sew the royal family's new clothes or fix any of them. But, Myla insisted that Mary should fix it since she used to be a seamstress before coming to work in the castle. Also, Myla did not want to be scolded by her mother having the seamstresses report to her about another dress having to be fixed.  

There was a knock at the door. Aida was about to open it when Myla jumped up and said, "I've got it!" She swung open the door and there revealed Elias and Landon. Aida and Lillith immediately stood up, curtsied, and bowed their heads. Mary took a bit longer to get up from her chair and curtsied.  

"Elias!" She squealed and wrapped her arms around Elias' neck as he bent down to pick her up and hug her. She giggled as he held her with her legs dangling. 

"Hey you, how's my baby sister, and what sort of mischieve are you up to in here," He asked as he put her down. 

"Nothing I was showing Aida's friend my embroidery." She exclaimed.

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