Chapter 2

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"Why does it smell like candy in here?" Barry asked walking into the cortex with Iris next to him.
"Probably Cisco and his lollipops." She answered.
"Cisco!" Barry shouted.

Cisco who was sleeping on the med bay was startled and Caitlin came running from one of the other rooms.

"What happened?" She asked looking panicked.
"Nothing Cait, don't worry. I just wanted to ask Cisco something."
"And you feel the need to give me a heart attack to do so?"
"Sorry?" He answered.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"What?" Cisco asked re-composing himself after the scare.
"Did you by any chance bring lollipops or something?"
"No. Why?"
"Cause it smells like candy in here."
"It has smelled like that since we got here." Caitlin answered.
"Yeah. We looked around the whole place but nothing." Cisco said shrugging.

They all shrugged and carried on with their jobs around the lab.

"I'm going to the speed lab for a while." Barry said.
"Nora's down there." Cisco said. "With Wally."
"Okay. Thanks."

Iris was in the computers and Cisco was in his workshop. Caitlin had been in the med bay for at least two hours, when she noticed a small bag in the corner of the room.

"Guys! Call Barry." She shouted. "Guys!" She shouted again.
"What?" Cisco shouted walking into the med bay.
"Call Barry."

She pointed to the bag and he nodded.

"Barry we need you in the cortex." He said over the income.

Barry flashed in and panted. "What's wrong?"

"We may have found where the smell is coming from."
"What is it?"
"A bag genius." Ralph said.
"I know it's a bag. Who's bag is it?" He asked.
"I just saw it." Caitlin answered.
"Okay. Take everything out of it and see if anything looks familiar."

They all nodded and proceeded with looking into the bag. They found clothes, shoes and a few lollipops and candies.

"Well, don't mind if I do." Cisco said taking three of them.
"Cisco." Caitlin said whisper yelling.
"Those aren't yours."
"As if I care."
"You're impossible." She rolled her eyes.
"Why are we doing this if we have cameras all over the place?" Ralph asked.
"Come here." Cisco said pulling him into a hug. "That may be the smartest thing you've said since we met you."

Ralph looked proud of himself and smiled. Since Iris was with Barry, Nora and Wally, the group of three checked the security cameras.

"Oh look. Who's that?" Ralph asked.
"No idea." Cisco answered.
"I don't know either. Haven't seen her before." Caitlin said.
"Should we call Barry?" Cisco asked.
"No. Let's wait until there is no one else in the building." Caitlin answered.

A few crimes happened here and there so Barry, Wally, Cisco and Ralph split up to take care of each.
Caitlin was left at S.T.A.R. Labs with Iris and Nora.

There was an awkward silence in the room so the three of them decided to go their own way. Although she isn't much of a curious person, Caitlin roamed around the building trying to find anything that could help them identify the mystery girl that was there the night before. She heard a loud crash of things coming from Cisco's workshop so she walked in the direction. She saw Nora picking up some things so she decided to help her.

"Here. Let me help." She said kneeling down.
"Thanks." Nora smiled.
"You're welcome."

After they were done picking the things up, they went up to the cortex and the guys had already come back.

"That was intense. I've never ran that fast in my entire life." Ralph said.
"Tell me about it. I'm really out of shape." Cisco answered.
"Next time, Frosty is coming with. She can easily freeze the dudes and I won't have to run."
"Yeah." Cisco nodded, still panting.
"You guys are such cry babies." Wally smirked.
"Excuse you. We don't have super powers that allow us to run faster than the speed of sound."
"Yeah and some of us failed at gym class." Caitlin answered.
"Well, everything seems to be calm so why don't we call it a day?" Barry said.

They all nodded and headed home.

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