Chapter 18

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since Barry and I kissed. We've tried to be as normal as possible though. Ralph hasn't said anything and I'm very grateful for that.
Today I had nothing to do so I just woke up early and tidied my apartment a little. When I finished, I called Barry for him to come over cause I was bored.

"Hey Cait." Barry said walking into my apartment.
"Good morning." I smiled softly.
"What are you doing?"
"Just looking at some pictures." I said looking at my phone.
"That Birdie?" He asked sitting beside me.
"Yeah. We took a lot of pictures." I chuckled.
"That one's cute." He said pointing at the screen.

There was a picture of me and Birdie in our pj's and Christmas lights wrapped around us. Cisco took it.

"Can you send it to me?" He asked.
"Yeah sure." I nodded.

I didn't ask what he wanted it for but soon found out when he put it as his lock screen.

"There. That's better." He smiled.

I smiled and blushed a little.

"Do you want to go take a walk?" He asked.
"Sure. Where?"
"The beach." He suggested.
"Yeah. I'd like that." I smiled and nodded. "Let me go get ready."
"Okay." He answered.

I went to my room and picked out some clothes. I went with dark jeans, a gray tank top, a black brallette, black boots and a leather jacket. I curled my hair and put on little make up since I wasn't feeling up to it.

"Okay, I'm ready." I said walking into the living room.

Barry stared at me surprised.

"What? Nothing." He said scratching the back of his neck. "You look way too pretty to be real." He smiled.

I could feel my cheeks burning up. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You are the most beautiful woman on this universe Caitlin Snow." He said pecking my lips softly.
"Thank you Barr. You are the most handsome man." I smiled kissing him back.

The kiss got heated in a matter of seconds.

"Barry." I said catching my breath.
"I'm sorry." He said worriedly.
"What? Why are you sorry?"
"I just want to take this slow and my powers aren't helping." He said frowning. "I just want to enjoy everything and take my time when we're together."

I smiled and ran my hand through his hair. "Just relax. Don't be so hard on yourself. I want to take it slow too. We'll just help each other out and do exactly what I did right now."
"Cock block me?"
"Yeah." I smiled and nodded.
"Alright. It'll be a team effort." He said rolling his eyes.

I chuckled and nodded. He flashed us to the beach and we walked around for a few hours. We sat down on a blanket we brought and stared at the ocean for a while.

"You know I brought Birdie here. She loves the beach."
"I love it too. It helps me relax." I smiled.
"You two have a lot in common." He said staring at the ocean.
"Yeah well she has a lot of things in common with you too." I said staring at him.
"Like what?"
"Well you're both stubborn and hard headed, you are very sensitive but so sweet at the same time, you are both speedsters but the most adorable thing is that you both have that little sparkle in your eyes every time you're happy."

He smiled adorably and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"I'm glad I had a daughter with you Barry."
"Me too Cait. So glad. I wouldn't change that for anything." He said kissing my temple. "I love you."
"I love you too Barr. So much." I said kissing his cheek.

After the beach we went to his apartment and sat down to eat. After eating we stayed at the table talking for a few minutes.

"Hey Cait, can you stay over?" He asked looking at me.

I stared at him and he gave me the puppy dog look.

"Stop that Barry."
"The puppy dog look. You know I can't resist it." I groaned.
"Please?" He pouted.
"Fine." I groaned. "I don't have clothes."
"I'll get you something to wear."

He flashed up to his room and came back with one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts.

"Birdie left those behind." He said handing me the clothes.
"I'll go change."

I went to the bathroom, changed and came back. He was sitting on the couch watching something so I sat beside him.

"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure. Which one?" I asked.
"Despicable me?" He shrugged.
"Yeah." I nodded.

He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled on his chest and nuzzled my face in his neck. He rested his head on mine while my hand ran through the hair on the back of his head. He played with my hair while we watched the movie and halfway through I was beginning to fall asleep.

"Wanna go to bed?" He asked.
"No. I just want to stay here with you." I said softly.
"Whatever you want." He said holding me tighter. "Go to sleep. I'll be right here with you." He said kissing my forehead.
"Sure. Goodnight babe."
"Goodnight handsome."

And with that I fell asleep peacefully.

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