Chapter 12

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Birdie woke up and went straight to Caitlin's room. She started to jump on the bed like a little kid, calling Caitlin's name.

"What time is it?"
"Seven in the morning."
"Oh my gosh. Why are you up so early?"
"It's Christmas and I'm excited."

Caitlin smiled at Birdie and shook her head.

"Let me get ready, and while we eat breakfast, we can wait for Cisco and open the presents when he gets here."
"Okay sure."
"What do you want to eat?"
"Chocolate chip pancakes."
"Wanna help me?"

They both got ready and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Cisco arrived a few minutes after they were done eating.

"Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas." He said walking in with a few presents.
"Hello Cisco Claus." Caitlin smiled.
"Where's the beard?" Birdie asked.
"I shaved it." He shrugged.

Birdie chuckled and nodded.

"Let's open up some presents." He shouted.
"Shouldn't we wait for Barry?" Caitlin asked.
"No. I want my presents." Cisco said.
"I agree." Birdie nodded.
"Alright. Go ahead."

Cisco gave Birdie a few presents first.

"Okay, I bought you some new kicks cause those are horrible, a few shirts and I made you a new suit."
"No way."
"Way." He said handing her a bag.

It revealed a blue, black and white suit with major improvements.

"Oh my goodness. Thank you Cisco! I love it." She said hugging him.
"Aww you're welcome." He smiled.
"Okay. Now we wait for your dad." Caitlin said.
"Alright. Can we watch a movie then?" Birdie asked.
"Sure. What movie?" Caitlin asked.
"How about Home Alone? That's a classic." Cisco suggested.
"Okay." Caitlin nodded.
"Whatever rows your boat." Birdie shrugged.

The three friends sat down and watched all Home Alone movies until Barry arrived. When he did, they were having dinner.

"Birdie, it's me. Open the door." He said knocking.

She sprinted towards the door and jumped the couch in the process.

"No jumping on the couch." Caitlin shouted with her mouth full.
"How ladylike of you to talk with your mouth full of food." Cisco said looking at Caitlin.
"Shut up Cisco." She said rolling her eyes.

Birdie opened the door and hugged her father. "Hi." She smiled.

"Hi." He smiled back. "What are you doing?"
"Eating. Cisco, Caitlin and I are having dinner."
"Mmm. I could use some dinner."
"Oh no. I'm not sharing this food with you. It's too good." Cisco said standing in front of the table.
"I'll get you a plate." Caitlin said.
"Thanks Cait." He smiled.

He sat down beside Birdie and she continued eating. Caitlin gave Barry the plate and he started to eat his food. After eating they gathered around the tree to open all of their presents.

"Okay, I'll give you my presents first." Barry said.

He got Cisco a few movies, action figures and tools for his workshop.

"Whoa. Thanks dude! I love you more than ever." He said hugging Barry.
"You're welcome man." Barry smiled.

He took out a little box and handed it to Caitlin.

"This is for you Caitlin." He smiled.
"You shouldn't have." She smiled softly.
"Open it." Cisco and Birdie said simultaneously.

She opened it and saw a gold bracelet with a lightning bolt on it.

"I love it. Thank you Barr." She said hugging him.
"It's the least I could do for the woman who's saved my life so many times."

She smiled at him and nodded.

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