Chapter 9

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"Meta's back." Cisco said.
"Iron Heights." Caitlin said.
"Okay. Ralph, Cisco, Nora you come with me. Caitlin, you stay here with Iris and Birdie."
"Why do I have to stay?"
"Birdie don't start." Barry sighed.

He suited up and so did the others. They were about to walk out of the cortex when Birdie stopped Barry.

"I want to help."
"I said no Birdie."
"Why? I'm not a little kid."
"Because I don't want you to okay?"

He was starting to get angry at her constant insisting that he just exploded.

"Birdie, drop it alright?" He said raising his voice. "You almost got killed last time you tried to help. I don't want you to come. You're not ready and I don't want you to mess anything up."

The room went quiet and she felt embarrassed. Her hands started shaking and it was getting harder for her to breath. She ran out of the room to the speed lab. Barry left with the others and after a few punches and kicks they finally caught the meta.

"We got him." He said over the income.
"Great job." Iris answered.

While the others came back, they both sat around the cortex.

"Should someone go check on Birdie."
"No. I think she needs some alone time." Caitlin answered.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." She nodded. "I'm sure Barry will talk to her later."

Everyone else arrived later and went to drink something in the coffee room. Barry looked for his younger daughter until he found her in the speed lab. He was about to walk in but something held him back.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Nora said.
"She's really mad."
"How would you know?"
"I know my sister. I've watched her grow up. Trust me." She said.
"You haven't once been with her Nora."

She sighed and pulled him by the arm.

"Look, I've been visiting the place where they keep the meta's ever since she landed there."
"Why didn't you get her out of there Nora? She's your sister." He asked angrily.
"I wanted to be your only daughter okay? I thought that you would like her more than me. Even though you disappeared. If you ever came back, you wouldn't know she existed and you would be my dad."

He sighed and rubbed his face. "Oh Nora."

"I'm sorry." She said crying.

He looked at his older daughter and hugged her. "I know this must've been hard for you too Nora. But she's your sister. And I could never love either of you more than the other. I may be a little more protective of her but it's because she's younger. I trust you a little more than her when it comes to your powers."
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Please have some sympathy for her. You grew up with your mom. I'm all she has."
"I know. I will." She nodded.

He smiled and hugged her again.

"I love you dad."
"I love you too Nora."

She went upstairs and he walked in and sat beside Birdie.

"Come to raise your voice at me again?" She asked fiddling her fingers.

He looked at her and studied her features. He could see little freckles on the bridge of her nose, her really blue eyes, the little crinkle on the side of her eyes when she gets mad, everything.

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