Chapter 10

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(2 weeks later)

"Okay Birdie. Glad you can stay with me." Caitlin said as they went inside their apartment.
"Thanks." She smiled.
"What do you want to do?"
"I don't know. You bought a lot of red and green things and a lot of lights."
"It's for Christmas."
"What's Christmas?"

Caitlin looked at her and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You don't know what Christmas is?"
"No. Should I?"
"I guess."
"I'm sorry then."
"Oh no. Don't be. Let me explain." She said sitting with her on the couch. "See, on Christmas, some people celebrate the birth of a baby named Jesus, others celebrate by buying each other gifts and spending time with their family and friends."
"Oh. Do you celebrate Christmas?"
"Yeah. It's the most wonderful time of the year." She smiled.
"How do you celebrate it?"
"Well, I usually spend it at home, watching movies and drinking hot chocolate."
"Alone?" Birdie asked looking at her.
"Yeah. Most people don't like it but I'm used to it."
"Who buys you gifts?"
"Barry and Cisco usually buy me something."
"Oh." She nodded. "What else do you do?"
"Nothing else but since you are spending it with me this year, I thought maybe we can decorate the apartment and put up a tiny tree."
"Oh yes!" She said excitedly. "Can we make cookies? And drink hot chocolate?"

Caitlin smiled and chuckled. "Yeah, of course we can."
"Cool!" She shrieked. "I can't wait to tell dad."
"Why don't we decorate first and then we can invite him so he can see."
"Okay." Birdie nodded.

They went out to buy a tiny tree and then bought some other things.

"Shall we have dinner?" Caitlin asked.
"Yeah. What are we eating?"
"What do you want to eat?"
"I've never tried sushi." Birdie said.
"Okay. Let's eat sushi then."

After eating sushi, they drove back to Caitlin's apartment.

"Since we ate and our stomachs are full, we are going to decorate the apartment now."
"Yes." Birdie said putting her hands up.

Caitlin felt immense happiness. For the first time, she wasn't going to spend Christmas alone. She had someone to celebrate it with. They hung the lights around the living room and decorated with ornaments. After they decorated the apartment, they put up the tree.

"Can we decorate it blue and white?" Birdie asked.
"Yeah. May I ask why those colors?"
"They're my favorite colors."
"Is that why your suit is blue and white?"
"Yeah. I made it."
"You're a real treasure, aren't you?" Caitlin smiled. "I bet Cisco would want your help with Barry's new suit."
"Nah, he is way more advanced than me."
"You can still give him ideas and he can make them come to life."

Birdie smiled and nodded. "Sounds good."

"I'm beat." Caitlin said sitting on the couch.
"Me too. I'm gonna go get ready for bed."

When she made sure Birdie was gone she called Barry and Cisco.

"Hello?" Barry answered.
"It is two in the morning. This better be an emergency." Cisco said groggily.
"It kind of is."
"Are you and Birdie okay?" Barry asked.
"Yeah, we're fine. It's just that, Birdie doesn't know what Christmas is and I was wondering if you guys could come and spend a little time with her."
"What kind of person doesn't know what Christmas is?"
"The kind that has been in the same place since she was three and hasn't been out to anywhere for fifteen years." Barry answered with a sad tone.
"I forgot." Cisco said face palming himself. "I can go. I have nothing better to do anyways."
"Count me in. Can it be at night though? I have the day planned with Iris, Nora, Joe, Cecile and Wally."
"Um, sure." Caitlin answered.
"Sorry but I'll be there since morning. I'm not spending Christmas alone."
"Alright Cisco." Caitlin chuckled.
"Great. I'm going back to sleep now. Goodbye."
"Bye." Caitlin said.
"Night man." Barry said.

He hung up and it was just Caitlin and Barry on the line.

"Hey, I'm picking Birdie up in the morning to go Christmas shopping."
"Good cause that way I can buy her some presents."
"I have no idea what to buy her." He sighed.
"Buy her a skateboard. She likes those."
"How'd you know?"
"She saw one a few days ago and fell in love with it."
"Was it a specific one?"
"No. I think she'd never seen a skateboard before."
"The more I get to know about her the more I wish I was there Caitlin. I really hate myself for disappearing like that."
"Barry, don't blame yourself for something that hasn't happened yet. You can still change that."
"Yeah I know but for them it won't. If they go back to the future, they'll be as miserable as they were before and not to mention Birdie escaped that place she was in and they must be looking for her. I don't want her to get hurt."
"Let's just forget about it for now okay? Worry when the time comes."

He chuckled and smiled.

"Thanks Dr. Snow. You always know how to make me feel better."
"That's what I'm here for." She smiled. "Goodnight Barr."
"Goodnight Cait."

They hung up the call and Birdie came out of the bathroom.

"Alright. I am officially headed to bed. Goodnight Caitlin." She said kissing her cheek.
"Goodnight Birdie." Caitlin smiled.

Since Birdie went to bed, Caitlin sat down and made a list of things she could buy Birdie and would pick a few to give them to her for Christmas. She sent Barry the list for him to pick and sent it to Cisco as well. She might not be her kid but she sure as heck will make that kid feel the love her mother never gave her.

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