Chapter 14

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(6 days later)

Everyone was getting for the party at Caitlin's place. It was New Year's Eve. Birdie had stayed over at Barry's apartment with him since the day before they had spent it together. She wasn't herself since a few days before but Barry hadn't had time to talk to her and ask what was wrong.

"Birdie. Come here." He said shouting from the living room.
"Coming!" She shouted back.

He heard footsteps approaching and saw she wasn't ready for the party yet.

"Why aren't you dressed?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"I don't want to go." She shrugged.
"I just don't feel like partying today."
"Bird this isn't you. You haven't even talked to me since yesterday. What's wrong?"
"I just..." She said taking a breath.

She let out a little sob and ran up to her room. He walked right behind her and stood outside the door.
She sobbed uncontrollably and a while later, he heard silence. He vibrated his hand to take down the knob a walked in. Birdie was in a corner crying so he sat beside her and pulled her close.

"It's okay." He said rubbing her arm. "I'm here."
"I'm sorry." She sniffled.
"It's okay to feel sad Birdie. Don't apologize. I know this isn't easy for you. I don't expect you to be happy all the time. I want you to be but I know it takes time." He said resting his head on hers.
"I want my mom." She said teary eyed.

She still hadn't told Barry who her mom was so he didn't know what to do or say.

"Birdie. I really don't know what to do." He sighed. "Can you at least tell me who it is?"

She hesitated but there was really no point in hiding it anymore.

"It's Caitlin." She mumbled.
"Well if you want to see her come to the party."
"That's not what I meant when I said I want my mom."

He knew exactly what she meant. She wanted Caitlin to know she's her daughter. To cuddle with her when she was sad or sick or just wanted a hug.

"What happened? Why are you not with her?"
"She... she gave me up for adoption when I was a tiny baby. I guess I must've reminded her of you and she just didn't want to anything to do with you after you disappeared."
"Caitlin would never do that." He said shaking his head.
"But Frost would."
"That's why you don't like her? She was the one who gave you up for adoption?"
"So you have cold powers as well?"

She nodded and her eyes glowed white.

"I can control them and I don't have an alter ego. Just powers."
"So you never spent time with your mom?"

She shook her head. "I hadn't met my parents until I came after Nora and saw you here."
"What about Cisco?"
"He left after you disappeared. No one stuck around S.T.A.R. Labs. after you went poof."

He nodded and sighed.

"Please don't tell mom. I don't want her to know."
"I promise I won't."

She nodded and stared at the floor.

"Tell you what. Come to the party and if you want to leave early, you tell me."
"Okay." She nodded.
"That's my girl." He said kissing her temple.

He sat on the couch and started thinking about who his daughter's mother was. The person he least expected. Knowing it was Caitlin brought him happiness, confusion, sadness, all at the same time.
He was glad it wasn't someone he didn't know but at the same time he started to think if he had any feelings for Caitlin. Of course she's beautiful, sweet, smart... but something he was sure of is that no matter what happened, he won't change it. Why? Because she gave him a daughter he loves with his whole life and for that he is forever grateful.

"I'm done." Birdie said walking down the stairs.

She had a white dress, with curled hair, little makeup and black boots.

"You look pretty." He smiled.
"Thanks." She smiled back.
"Let's go. We're already late."
"Nothing new there." She smirked.
"Smart ass."

She giggled and followed her dad out of the apartment. They arrived at Caitlin's apartment and greeted everyone. Birdie spent most of her time with Cisco building some LEGO thing while everyone else just talked and laughed. At midnight, everyone made a toast and celebrated the New Year. They shouted and danced, a few drank too much and others didn't drink at all.

Cecile and Joe left an hour later, Cisco and Ralph also left and Iris went home with Barry and Nora. Caitlin saw Birdie alone on the couch and sat beside her. She pulled her into a hug and brushed her hair.
Birdie nuzzled her face into Caitlin's neck and fell asleep. Caitlin fell asleep a little later while watching tv, not knowing about the conversation that Barry and Birdie had earlier that day and not knowing that she was holding in her arms her daughter, who had been longing that hug for so long.


Hello peeps!!! I apologize in advanced for going MIA for at least a week, starting next week!

I have, as my friends and I like to call it "hell week" cause I have WAY TOO MANY uni works to do and I will barely have time to post. Maybe I'll upload one chapter. I hope you guys understand and keep reading my story when I come back.

Also, it probably wasn't a surprise to you that Caitlin was the mom but yeah. She is! Let's see how this goes from here on!

Hope you're enjoying the story! Thank you for reading! Means a lot! :)

Xo, Lyah

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