Chapter 11

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"Dad. Hi." Birdie said opening the door.
"Hi honey. You seem very happy today."
"I am. It's almost Christmas. I'm excited."

He smiled and pinched her nose. "Where's Cait?"

"She already went out. Said she had to buy some gifts."
"Did she?"
"Yeah. Can I maybe have some money to buy her something?"
"Yeah sure. I'll give you money and you can buy whatever you want."
"Sound cool." She answered.

For once, Barry saw a very happy Birdie and that sad look she always had, was gone.

"Let's go shopping then."
"Can we walk? I want to enjoy the view for once."
"Sure." He nodded. "Here's a jacket. Remind me to buy you one."
"Okay." She said giving him a thumbs up.

They got to the mall and Barry gave Birdie some time for herself while he shopped as well.

"Meet me here in two hours. After that we can have lunch and then you can go home with me."
"Alrighty." She nodded.
"Spend your money wisely."
"Yes father."

He ruffled her hair and then they went their separate ways. Barry already knew what to buy everyone but Birdie on the other hand had no idea. Of course she knew what to buy Cisco. A Star Wars Ship made of LEGO pieces.

"Oh he'll totally love this." She said smiling. "Thousand pieces... should keep him entertained."

She walked a few stores when she found a gold necklace she loved for Caitlin.

"Hmm. I'll just use my money." She shrugged.

She had been saving money her whole life, so you can say she could buy the whole mall if she wanted to. She wasn't gonna tell anyone though. That money was for emergencies only.

"This is an emergency." She shrugged.

She bought the necklace and then headed to another store.

"Okay. Now dad. He could use some new shoes. He always wears the same ones."

She went to a shoe store and bought Barry a pair of Converse but also a gold chain bracelet. She bought Nora chokers and a black necklace, Iris a pair of earrings and a few bracelets and other things for Joe, Cecile and baby Jenna. By the time she was done it was way past two hours so she ran over to Barry who had a worried look on his face.

"Where were you?" He asked worriedly.
"Sorry. I had a lot of things to buy and I got distracted watching a baby smile and say hi at me."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "What do you want to eat?"
"Big Belly Burger."

He nodded and they sat down to eat.

"So, you coming home with me?"
"Today. I mean now."
"Sure." She shrugged. "I mean, I was supposed to spend Christmas with Caitlin."
"Don't worry. I'll take you home with her tonight."
"Then yeah. I'll go home with you." She smiled.

He nodded and smiled. After they were done eating, they went to Joe's house and found Joe, Cecile, Nora and Iris decorating.

"Hey!" Nora said smiling.
"Nice decorating." Barry smiled.
"Thanks." Iris said giving him a kiss. "Hi Birdie."
"Hey Iris." Birdie smiled.
"How is my other granddaughter?" Joe asked hugging Birdie.
"I'm good grandpa. How are you?"
"I'm fine. Thanks for asking."
"Hi honey." Cecile said hugging her.
"Hi Cecile." She smiled.
"Well, get decorating." Nora said.

Barry grabbed a few things to help around but Birdie was just watching how happy they were and even though she might not have that big of a family and spent her whole life alone, she was happy for them. Since they were all concentrated in decorating, Birdie went outside for a while and sat on the porch.

She loved watching the snow and how it fell from the sky just to pile up and make mountains of it. She didn't realize she had fallen asleep on the swing Joe and Cecile had installed until she felt someone shaking her.

"Hey. Birdie." Nora said.
"Come inside. We have a job for you."

She stood up and went inside following Nora.

"There she is. Alright Barry, give it to her."

He gave her a crystal angel and smiled at her. "You are part of this family and we thought you should have the honor of putting this angel on top of the tree."

She smiled and nodded. Her eyes teared up but no one noticed. She put the little angel on the tree and Barry hugged her from behind.

"Looks crooked." Birdie chuckled.
"Gives it an original touch." Iris shrugged.
"I like it." Nora smiled.
"Looks good." Joe nodded.
"I love it." Cecile smiled. "Who wants dinner?"

They all ran to the table leaving Birdie behind. She was admiring her crooked angel and her eyes teared up again.

"Hey. You coming?" Joe asked.

She dried her tears and cleared her throat. "Yeah."

"I know it's hard." He said patting her back. "But guess what? You have a big family that loves you and will take care of you, okay?"

She nodded and smiled at him.

They walked to the table and she joined the others. After they were done eating, Barry took her to Caitlin's.

"You have everything you bought?"
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Okay. Be good." He said pointing at her.
"I will."

She went inside and saw Caitlin sitting on the couch.

"Hi Caitlin. I'm back!" She shouted.
"Why are you shouting?"
"Cause I'm happy." She smiled.
"I'm glad you're happy then."
"Do you have wrapping paper?"
"Yeah. You gonna wrap some presents?"
"Let me show you and then you can do it on your own."
"Yes ma'am."

She thought Birdie how to wrap up the presents and then went to sleep. Birdie stayed up all night wrapping all of the presents and then put them in a room Caitlin had. After Birdie was asleep, Caitlin put Birdie's presents under the tree and went back to her room. Birdie put Caitlin's present after and smiled.

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