Chapter 1: The Birthday Party

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Rebecca tucked her chin in the warm blanket scarf around her neck as she walked to her friend's birthday party. New York City had been dealing with an onslaught of wind and snow all day. It had taken the weather reporters by surprise. All they'd predicted was a light dusting of snow. The reality had been far worse. So, technically, Rebecca had a valid reason to stay in her cozy apartment instead of walking around in horrible conditions, but she knew her friend would make her life a living hell if she didn't show up. Plus, she happened to love that son of a bitch way too much to ditch him on his 29th birthday.

He called this his last year of freedom. His parents already thought that his love life needed an intervention and were hell bent on finding him 'the one.' The thing was, Noah Miller's love life was far from gloomy. If anything, the man needed to slow down. She wouldn't be surprised if he'd slept with half of New York's women already.

Disgusting, she thought to herself, rolling her eyes. How had that dumbass wiggled his way into her life?

She blamed it on the science class she once had to take in college. Noah was the one who saved her from failing the lab part and helped her study for the tests. She had once smacked him on the head with a 600-page textbook during a study session because his eyes had found their way to her chest for the umpteenth time. He'd stopped trying to get in her pants from then on. His suggestive comments eventually became more annoying than anything. He still throws them at her occasionally, but her death glare usually shuts him up.

The truth was, Rebecca trusted Noah. He was one of the few people she really talked to about things that mattered to her. He was always there, regardless of whether she was happy or sad. She knew she meant the same to him. It was a perfect relationship. He was the perfect friend, she concluded.

Still, she cursed him through the walk to his place. At least it was a house party, she thought. Her body was functioning on 4 hours of sleep from the previous night. She knew she wasn't going to last long and would probably end up crashing there.

When she reached outside his building, she reluctantly took her hand out of her pocket and hit the buzzer before shoving her hand right back in.

Two seconds later, the front door unlocked. She couldn't have hurried in faster.

By the time she took the elevator to his floor, she'd warmed up a bit. The music from Noah's apartment could be heard from down the hallway. She had no idea how none of his neighbors had complained already, but then again, knowing him, he probably had them over too.

She walked through his unlocked apartment door and was immediately overwhelmed by the alcohol and the people in his 1,200 square feet apartment.

"You are late," said Natalie, hugging her.

Rebecca hugged her back and said, "I know. I got off work late and then I had to stop by my place before coming here. Doesn't look like you guys needed another person though. Noah's invited the whole world to his party." She looked at the crowd pointedly.

Natalie laughed. "You know him. He's...extra."

"Where is he anyways?"

Natalie shrugged. "Saw him in the living room a little while ago."

Rebecca patted her arm. "I'll go find him."

As she made her way through the crowd, she greeted a few people and waved at the ones she recognized. The energy of the room was kind of lifting her mood a little too. She didn't feel as tired anymore.

2 minutes later, she was still searching for him when suddenly, she was lifted from behind and spun around.

"Jesus! Put me down!" Rebecca yelled, grabbing hold of Noah's forearms instinctively.

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