Chapter 6: A Date with Jordan

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Author's Note: I wrote this while I was extremely sleepy. So hopefully there aren't too many mistakes!



"You look nervous," Jordan commented, looking at her with amusement.

"No..." Rebecca denied as she bounced her knee, looking high strung.

Saturday had arrived quickly. As planned, Jordan had brought Rebecca to South Street Seaport for their date. They were scheduled for a helicopter tour of  New York City. The tour involved flying over landmarks like Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Empire State Building as the sun set.  While Rebecca was pretty excited to see the view, she found it tough to control her anxiety because of her discomfort with heights. Just the thought of looking outside the window while they were up in the air was slightly nerve-wracking.

I should have suggested something else to do when I had the chance, she cursed internally. No, I am not pigeon-hearted. I can do this. It's just a little  height. That's all. 

Her internal pep-talk continued for the next few moments.

They were currently seated inside the chopper, waiting to take off. Jordan glanced at her knee and back at her. "You're definitely nervous about something," he stated. He placed a hand on her knee for a brief moment to make her stop before pulling it away.

5 seconds passed. She could still feel his touch. She refused to meet his eye and focused on getting a hold of her feelings.

It was just a touch. Not a big deal. Not a big deal, she chanted as she got distracted from worrying about flying momentarily.

"I'm afraid of heights." She admitted. "A little bit."

He raised her brow. "How little?"

"Like a lot bit..." She looked up at him and laughed nervously.

"Do you want to leave?" He asked seriously. "I'm sure it's not too late to change plans."

"No!" She exclaimed. 

He can't think that I am a coward, she yelled at herself  mentally.

 "We're here. I want to do this," she concluded, throwing him a what she thought was a reassuring smile.

He watched her for a moment, as if judging for himself, before nodding his head. "Alright."

For the next hour or so, Jordan controlled himself from howling with laughter as Rebecca held his arm in a deathly grip, refusing to look outside for longer than 10 seconds at a time or spitting out more than 3 words when he asked her something. He placed a hand on hers as if to keep her calm but it didn't seem to help much.

He made a mental note to not do any activities related to heights for their next dates. 

It surprised him a little that he hadn't even thought about not seeing her again. It was like it was a given that he wants to see her again. He hadn't felt this way about any one in a long time. 

"Well, that was fun," he commented as he walked Rebecca to her apartment. 

She threw him a side look and shook her head. "Just so you know, if you share what happened today with any one, I will hunt you down and kill you."

He threw his head back and laughed. With his hands up in the air as if to say 'I surrender', he gave her a look of fake sincerity. "I promise that on Monday, I will totally not send a company wide email about what happened today."

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