Chapter 4: What Kiss?

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Author's Note: Hey there! Hope everyone had a good week! Here's the next chapter. Vote & comment if you're enjoying the story so far! :) I look forward to your reaction every single time! Cheers!


It wasn't like Rebecca had never been kissed before. There had been men in her life who had swept her off her feet and made her lose herself in the moment. But she'd never had a mind-blowing, toe-curling sensation. It's like she had been missing out all her life.

Part of her was yelling at herself, wondering what the hell she was doing. This was Noah. Her best friend. They shouldn't be doing this. She also briefly registered the risk of ruining their relationship. But the way his mouth moved on hers left no room for an argument. It made her feel alive. So she gave into it. She let all those tender emotions wash over her.

When he pulled away, she wanted to jump right back into it. She didn't want reality hitting either one of them because with that comes common sense and what they were doing was definitely stupid.

His eyes roamed on her face, as if searching for something. She was expecting to see what she was feeling mirrored on his face too. But all she saw as a slight panicked look before it was replaced by a tight smile.

"It's kind of late isn't it?" he asked, getting up. When she didn't respond, he cleared his throat and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water.

She realized that she wasn't feeling that tipsy anymore. In fact, she felt a little confused about what had happened. Had she imagined all of that? Could it be possible that she blew all this up in her head and made it feel more significant than it was?

Noah avoided looking at her because he wasn't sure how to react. He wondered what she was feeling but brushed the thought off. He needed to make everything go back to normal as fast as he could. He couldn't risk things getting awkward between them. Their friendship was too important to him. He didn't want another sexual partner out of Rebecca because that would make their relationship vulnerable to failure.

Their friendship had stood the test of time. It worked. Why mess something up that worked?

"Do you want some?" He asked, lifting his glass in question.

Rebecca shook her head to say 'no' before getting from the couch as well. She decided to follow his lead and pretend that nothing happened.

Real mature, she thought to herself.

She lived in a one bedroom apartment. When Noah stayed over, they usually slept comfortably on her king-size bed. This had never felt weird before. But today was different. As they lay in her bed with a good few inches between them, as if afraid of touching one another, she reminded herself of how that kiss had started changing things between them already.

After a few minutes of dark silence, Noah rubbed his eyes and turned on his side so he could face her.

"Hey," he said, softly.

"Hey," she responded, turning to face him as well.

With the moonlight spilling in from the window behind him, Noah noticed how angelic Rebecca's face looked. It distracted him for a second.

Then he thought about how he will never drink again. It was clearly messing with him.

"What's going on in your head?" she asked when he didn't speak.

"I...I guess I just want to make sure that everything is okay between us." He said while struggling to find the right words.

She was quiet for a moment. "Yes. Why would you think otherwise?"

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