Chapter 23: Rebecca Meets Jordan's Parents

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"What are you doing here?" Noah asked as he saw Rebecca approaching him at the hospital. He tried to wear a neutral expression but his heart was a mess. It had been too long since he'd last seen her. Somehow, she was even more beautiful than her image in his head. Even though she was dressed simply, her skinny black jeans enhanced her curves and the beige sweater she wore complimented her skin tone. He was momentarily dumbstruck.

"Your father called me. He told me about Ivanka," she walked closer, looking devastated. "Noah, I am so sorry."

Noah subconsciously took a step back, trying to keep the distance between them. "You should leave," he said quietly.

"What?" she whispered, suprised. "I know after what happened between us, you may not want to see me. But I want to be there for you and your family."

"I don't want you here, Rebecca. Please leave," he said again, with his jaw clenched, holding back his emotions. He wasn't only fighting her, he was fighting the part of him that wanted her to stick around badly.

Her eyes teared up. "Please don't say that..."

He shrugged. "It's the truth. Isn't that what we do? Speak the truth? You spoke yours. Here is mine." He knew it wasn't fair, but he couldn't help but react defensively, as if shielding himself from further hurt. The less she was around him, the better.

"Noah..." her face crumpled and she looked away, her sadness almost breaking his spirit in half.

He felt horrible immediately. What was he doing? Since when did he become the reason for Rebecca's unhappiness? Surely his heartbreack was insignificant compared to the pain of his mother's current state. He should get over it.  Right?

"Look...I..." he stammered, trying to find the right words. Then his gaze fell behind Rebecca, on the man walking towards them.

Instead of apologizing or trying to keep things civil, he blurted incredulously, "you brought him here?"

Her initial look of confusion switched to realization a second later. With hesitation, she replied, "we were having dinner when I got Steve's call. He drove me here..."

Rebecca bit her lip as Noah shook his head, stopping her from speaking further.

"I don't care," he muttered bitterly, refusing to look at her.

He had never acted like this in front of her, but he was rejected, embarrassed and worst of all, still in love with her. And seeing Jordan reminded him that he had what he wanted.

When Jordan reached them and stood next to Rebecca, no one knew what to say. An awkward silence fell over the trio.

"Rebecca?" Steve called out from behind Noah, drawing their attention. "Child, I am so glad to see you here." He gently took her hand between his, showing his gratitude. 

"Of course," Rebecca said, blinking back her sudden tears. "How is she?"

Acknowledging Jordan with a nod and a small smile, Steve simply said, "come, you can see her."

She started following Steve, expecting Jordan to follow. But he didn't.

It was awkward enough that he had showed up at the hospital, he didn't want to somehow rub salt on Noah's wounds by going to see his mom. The alternative wasn't very thrilling either, but he chose to stay rooted in his spot, to be left in Noah's company.

"I'm sorry," Jordan said once Rebecca and Steve left, offering his condolences to Noah for his mother's condition.

Noah kept his face stone-like. "For what, exactly?"

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