Chapter 8: Noah Gets Curious

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Author's Note: Hi there! Thanks for continuing to read my story! Please show your love by voting and commenting. Much appreciated!


Noah kept glancing at Rebecca, who apparently couldn't stop grinning at her phone and furiously typing away what seemed like every 2 seconds.

He wasn't sure what he wanted more - to yell at her to watch where she was walking, because she had bumped into at least 2 people so far, or to snatch that phone out of her hands and give into the curiosity to know who had her attention.

Then he wondered why the hell he cared. It's none of my business anyway, he thought to himself. She could talk to whoever she wanted. Even though it's her dad's retirement party and her whole family is here. Even though she hates it when her phone takes her away from being present in the moment, he rambled internally. 

"You look like you need a drink," Rebecca's cousin, George remarked, slapping Noah's back playfully as he came to stand next to him. "Here, have some!" He exclaimed, holding out his drink.

Noah chuckled and grabbed the glass held out to him. "Yep, definitely need this."

"All good?" George asked as Noah returned his glass.

"Yeah, of course. Just a little tired I guess." 

"Right," he said, clearly not believing Noah.

Instead of saying anything, Noah just shrugged. 

"So," George said a second later. "Do you think she is seeing someone?"

Noah silently followed his gaze. George was looking at Rebecca, who was now sitting at a table, staring at her phone while trying hard not to smile.

"I think she is seeing someone. That smile doesn't appear for just anyone," he said, answering his own question.

Noah stomach dropped but he continued to stay silent.

"Do you know anything about it?" George asked again, turning to look at him.

He shook his head 'no.'

"Interesting. You know, I always thought you two were a thing." He admitted. 

Noah laughed nervously. "What? Nah, man. Rebecca is a good friend."

"Ah-huh. I don't think you're lying. But I don't think you're saying the truth either."

"What does that mean?"

"You're a smart guy. You know what I mean, Miller."

Then why would I ask you the question, dipshit, Noah cursed in his head while maintaining a straight face. He had forgotten how annoying George can be sometimes. 

"Anyways," George sighs dramatically. "You stand right here, looking pretty, while some other dude makes moves on Becca." He slaps Noah's back and walks away.

It took every ounce of control for Noah to not beat the crap out of George. In the past, he was always able to laugh such situations off. But for some reason, this time, he got him good.

"Asshole," he muttered under his breath before walking back inside the house.


A couple of hours later, almost all the guests had left, except some close friends who sat in the backyard, gathered around Rebecca's parents, rehashing old memories and laughing boisterously.  

In the meanwhile, silence blanketed over Rebecca and Noah as they went cleaning up around the house so her parent's didn't have to deal with it later on.

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