Chapter 14: A Distraction

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"Hey!" Pete's voice drew Noah out of his focus from reading something on his computer screen.

"What's up?" He responded, hoping he'd go away.

"Just checking in. You seem quiet today," he commented, sitting on Noah's desk so he had no choice but to listen to what he had to say.

With a sigh, Noah leaned back in his chair and looked at his colleague and friend with an air of annoyance. "What do you want, man?"

"See there! That's what I'm talking about. You've been irritated all day. Is everything fine?"

"Everything is fucking fantastic. This stupid contract has been proof read by a bunch of 5 year olds. What do these interns do all day? They have one job, and I'm doing it! They get paid to stand by the coffee machine and chit-chat all day long. How the bloody hell will I send this shit to Brett by the end of the day?" He ranted, as if some invisible gates had opened up in his head.

"Wow, okay. You're a pressure cooker that's exploded. Tell you what, send me that file. I'll fix it up for ya."

Shutting his eyes, Noah mumbled, "you don't have to. It's my job, I got this. It's just...there's a lot going on."

"What about a boys night?" Pete suggested.

"It's Wednesday. Are you serious?"

"Since when do you object on getting drunk in the middle of the week?"

Noah knew the answer. Never. "You're right. I think I need it anyways."

"Alright! Only an hour to go before the day ends," Pete said, getting up from the desk. "Smash out whatever you're working on and then we can hit the bar."

With something to look forward to, Noah turned his attention back on his computer screen.

He hadn't talked to Rebecca yet, but knew he had to. They had long standing plans to meet the next day along with the rest of their friend's circle. Better to sort it out among ourselves first before hanging out with others, he thought.

2 hours later, Noah and Pete had already gotten through their first round of drinks. Surprisingly, the bar was crowded for a week night. The people, along with the music playing in the background, was a nice distraction for Noah.

"So, what had you in a foul mood all day?" Pete asked, drowning his beer like it was the last one on the planet.

Noah groaned in response. "Can we not talk about it? I feel like I finally had some peace of mind."

Holding his hands up, as if to indicate that he was letting the matter go, Pete began to discuss his weekend plans but was cut off.

"Actually you know what, why am I even letting it bother me? Why shouldn't I talk about it? I will talk about it!"

Chuckling at his friend's childish determination, Pete motioned him to go on.

"You know Rebecca? The girl I had bought along a couple of weeks ago to one of our after work happy hours?" He asked, continuing after a pause, "she was here before," he pointed to his head, "but now he's made her way here," he said, tapping his chest. "How do I get her out? I need her out."

"Why would you wanna get her out? Man, she is perfect for you! I told you the day I saw you two together."

Before he'd even finished talking, Noah started shaking his head. "No, you don't understand. She likes someone else. I met him. The poor bastard is...he is perfect for her." His drooped shoulders and depressed face told Pete all about how his friend was feeling. It was like the alcohol had made him vulnerable and open to baring his skin. 

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