Chapter 12: Noah Meets Jordan

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"Are you upset for some reason?" Rebecca asked.

They had finished dinner and were lounging in the living room. She was laying down on the couch while he sat with her feet in his lap, just like they had many times in the past. It was almost habitual.

But today, he had his hands folded on his chest instead of playing with her toes or massaging her feet without even realizing he was doing so. He didn't even tickle her feet to annoy her. When something funny played on the TV, he only threw a reluctant smile while she burst out laughing.

Noah was battling with his thoughts but also hoping he'd cheer the heck up, if not for himself then at least for her. He could tell she was taking notice of his mood, so it was no surprise when she asked him that question.

Maybe I like you, Becks. That's why the thought of you with someone has me in such a foul mood. But maybe I just feel protective about you and never had to be in such a situation, which is making me feel weird. I just don't know.

He could have said that to her, but he decided to go with the shorter version of what he felt, afraid that if he said more, things would get weirder between them. "I honestly don't know," he responded, sighing.

"All I know is that I haven't seen you upset in a long time. And you were fine when you got here." After a slight pause she added, "did I...say or do something wrong?" The way she said it made him look in her direction immediately.

Crap, he kicked himself internally. She thinks that she did something to upset me.

He lifted her feet off of him, got up and crouched on the floor right next to her. "Don't be silly. You can never do or say anything wrong."

"Then why..." she trailed off, still wearing a frown.

"Because," he said, taking her hands in his, "I'm being an asshole. I'm sorry, Becks. Didn't mean to upset you. Maybe it's something from work that's bothering me. It's just one of those days, you know?"

Feeling a little more assured, she nodded her head. "Promise?"

He nodded back in response.

Taking a deep breath, she sat up, while still keeping her hands in his. "Good. I hate seeing you like this."

"I know. Sorry for putting a damper on tonight."

"Don't be an idiot. If you can't show your true feelings around me then I'm failing as a friend." She kissed his head and got up from the couch. He let go of her hands. "I need to use the bathroom. Be right back!"

After she'd walked away, Noah pinched the bridge of his nose and sat on the floor with his back against the couch. He felt exhausted and thought he'd tell her he was going to go home and sleep. It wasn't like he was doing her any favors by staying anyways. But when she got back, Rebecca proposed a different idea.

"Why don't you just sleep here? Maybe it's better if you don't go to an empty home while you're feeling low," she offered.

"Are you sure? It's a week night, I don't want to bother you or anything."

"Oh my god. There is definitely something wrong with you today," she groaned, walking towards the room, shaking her head.

He laughed and followed her. "Whatever, Becca Claire. I was just trying to be courteous."

She turned around to face him and placed her hands on his shoulders. " Thank you. But I just need you to be my Noah. Since when do you need to be formal with me?"

He thought for a second. "True. It's not like you're some royalty." 

She rolled her eyes at his joke and slapped his chest. "There you are."

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