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Eliza sat between her sisters on a bench in the foyer, their eyes all glued on the doorway to the dining room. What happened in there would affect Eliza's life forever.

"It seems quiet," Peggy whispered into Eliza's ear. "Maybe things are going well."

Eliza forced a smile and nodded, her stomach feeling ill. Her Alexander was in there, asking for her father's blessing of their marriage. If he said no, Eliza couldn't bring herself to go against her father and marry Alexander anyway, no matter how much she loved him. It just wouldn't be right, and she would always have that little seed of shame whenever she faced her father. She would just have to go on the rest of her life alone, or married to someone she didn't love. Eliza couldn't even imagine loving another man. None were like Alexander. None, she imagined, wound cradle her hands in his and call her his dearest Betsey, or grin at her with swashbuckling charm as his eyes glittered. Those eyes... she may never get to see those eyes again. Her stomach dropped with horror when she realized that maybe, if things didn't go well, those eyes would be given to another woman who would get to look upon them everyday.

Panic choked at Eliza's throat as her eyes began to run. Keeping her head down, she quietly excused herself to her sisters and briskly walked to the door. She needed some fresh air. She stepped onto the front porch, shut the door behind her, and crumpled to the floor. Anxiety welled up inside her, and she felt like she might just pop. Her Alexander was in her house for what might be the last time. Eliza let out a deep breath and rested her head in her hands, fighting back tears.

It'll be okay, Eliza, she told herself. He can do this. There is nothing his mind can't do.

She sat silently on the front step, breathing in the fresh air as she slowly calmed herself. There is nothing his mind can't do.

When she stepped back inside, she saw Peggy and Angelica smiling at her. "I think they're almost done," whispered Angelica. Eliza watched, her stomach plummeting to the floor, as her father rose from his seat and walked along the length of the table to Alexander. Panic gripped Eliza for a moment as she thought We're through. But then, to her joyous surprise, her father reached out to Alexander and shook his hand, a smile across his face. She could hear him say in his low general's voice, "Be true." Hamilton nodded vigorously, thanking him up and down. Then he turned to Eliza, smiling wide, and she felt totally helpless.

They ran into each other's arms, and Alexander lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. Eliza had never felt so happy. He had done it. Of course he had done it! Eliza couldn't believe that she had doubted him. When her Alexander put his mind to something, Heaven knows he would see it through. Peggy and Angelica ran over to hug the newly betrothed, then Hamilton leaned over to Eliza and said, his arm extended chivalrously to her. "Shall we take a walk outside, my dearest Betsey?" Eliza beamed as she took his arm, and the two stepped outside to stroll about the Schuyler manor. When Eliza looked over at her fiancé, she saw that his smile had vanished, and in its place was a pensive frown and a forehead wrinkled with worry. He looked like he had been doing some stressing of his own.

"Eliza..." he started. "I don't have any money. I don't have an army, a title, or an estate." He counted on his fingers as he went on. "All I've got's my honor, a high tolerance for pain, a couple of college credits, and my top-notch brain." He said that last one with a smirk, making Eliza laugh. Alexander chuckled softly, and he seemed to relax. "But I love your family, and I love you. So please don't stress, my love. We'll make it work, you and I, won't we?"

A grin rose up on Eliza's face. "Always." She threw her arms around his neck, and Alexander hugged her dearly.

"Everything's gonna be fine, cuz I've got you, Eliza." A warm rush of affection filled Eliza's heart. When she looked into his eyes, she felt the sky was the limit. There was nothing they couldn't do together. There was no time for stressing; they had a wedding to prepare for.

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now