~Game Night (Ham Family) {Modern AU}~

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A/N: Requested by cho_2004. Hope you like it!

    Eliza sat alone in her kitchen. The sound of Barney the Dinosaur could be heard from the living room where Johnny was watching TV. The repetitive songs melted together and lost all effect on Eliza as she stared at the microwave clock. Waiting.  It felt like she had been waiting all day, and in truth, she had been. As she cleaned the house, took care of Johnny, and did all her work for the day, her eyes kept going back to the clock. Finally, the bright green digits changed to 2:15, and Eliza sprang to life.

  "Come on, Johnny! Time to pick the kids up from school!"

  Johnny obediently- albeit disappointedly-  left Barney behind and met his mother in the kitchen, where Eliza scooped him up and carried him to the car. As she pulled into the middle school parking lot, she scoured the crowd of kids for her boy. Suddenly, she saw thirteen-year-old Philip's mess of curly hair weaving through the crowd and to the Hamilton's mini van.

  "Hi, honey!" she cheered as he swung the passenger seat door open. "How was school today?"

  "Alright," Philip said. "We had a science pop quiz, and I think I did pretty well." 

  "That's great," Eliza enthused. "What else happened today?"

  Philip set his head back against the seat rest. "I dunno." 

  His usual response. 

  "You don't know?"

  Her usual response.

  Philip just shrugged. "I can't remember. I'm so tired." For all the information children were able to process and store, retelling the events of the school day was not included. Eliza finally gave up trying to jog him, and the rest of the ride was quiet, save for Johnny's occasional comment from the backseat. She knew the car was about to get much louder, anyway, when she picked her other three kids up from the elementary school.

  "AJ, get your backpack off of me!" Angie yelled once they were all settled in their seats.

  "There's nowhere to put it!" argued AJ. But he tried his best, hauling the bag off of her and shoving it between his legs and the seat ahead of his. 

  "Angie, why do you always have to hold my hand in the pick-up line?" demanded James with annoyance. "I know which car is ours! It's embarrassing!" 

  "So, how was school today, you guys?" Eliza asked over the sound of bickering. 

  "It was good," Angie replied. "But Troy was being so annoying! He just wouldn't stop making fun of us girls and being loud, and then Erica just randomly yelled at him, 'Drop dead, nerd!' It was so funny." 

  "Oh, that Erica," Eliza said with an uncertain chuckle. Angie thought Erica was the funniest eleven-year-old on the face of the earth. If they weren't together at school, they were on the phone or having a playdate. They were inseparable. 

  "And how about you, AJ?"

  Her third oldest, at nine years old, made a face of obvious disdain. "Boring."  

  "I learned about insects," chimed in seven-year-old James.  

  The spiky chatter of her children filled the trip home, and Eliza couldn't be happier. She missed her loves during the day, and she was thrilled to finally have them back. Once they got home, Angie, AJ, and James sat at the kitchen table and did their homework. Philip excused himself to work in private upstairs. Once homework was done, Angie rushed upstairs to call Erica, AJ plopped himself in front of the TV, and James went to his bedroom to read his new library book. The house fell into its familiar quiet until Eliza's favorite sound could be heard from the front door. 

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