~Let's Waste Time (Philodosia) {Modern AU}~

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A/N: This is a Hamliza book, but I may write a Philodosia chapter occasionally. Based on the song above.  The requests are coming, I promise. 

  Philip felt like he was drowning. Another day of school had come to a close, and it was even harder than the day before. All his AP classes were piling mountains of work around him, and he couldn't even get motivated to do the work when he was getting bullied constantly. Kids roughed him up on the bus and in the hallway, making fun of him for his good grades, reminding him of the adultery his father had committed a few years ago, and a million other reasons. Every night he went to bed dreading the next day of school. And today had been the worst day in a very long time.

  He stood outside with the rest of the kids on his bus lane, dazedly waiting for his ride home. He felt like he had been hit so hard he couldn't see straight. Finally, the bus lurched to the curb, grumbling and filling the air with the noxious scent of gasoline. He watched with dread as the yellow tank creeped forward. He really didn't want to go home. The spring sun felt warm on his skin. The weather was finally starting to warm up after a dreary winter. It was a shame he had to leave it to go sit in a stinky metal tube with the kids he hated. Then he would have to go through all of it again the next day. On an impulsive whim, he let the other kids file to the bus in front of him, and he crept past the bus and away. Just away. Away from school, away from his enemies, away from everything that was trying to suffocate him. He ran farther and farther from the school, and soon he stopped worrying about getting caught. Soon he was free.

  He walked down the road to a park he had been to many times as a kid. Today he saw a flock of preschoolers running around the playground, screaming and laughing. He remembered what it was like to be that carefree. He hoped those kids enjoyed it, because it didn't last.

  Philip walked past the playground and through the grassy meadow. The sun was irresistibly warm on his face and head. He carried himself to the edge of a pond that curled up against the grassy plain. Philip sat himself down near the water's edge and stared into it. Normally in movies, when people stared into water they saw themselves. But Philip saw nothing. Just the rocks and mud that formed the pond floor. Philip rocked back and lay down on the grass. The meadow was placidly silent, and the fresh air was, well, a breath of fresh air. His parents were probably wondering where he was, and he had things he needed to get done, but those could wait. For now, he just wanted to let go, to just exist.

All was calm for a while. He had silenced his parents' calls, but then his phone started ringing with another name attached. This time he answered right away.


Theodosia Burr was Philip's only friend.

"Philip, where are you?" demanded Theo on the other end. "Your parents are going crazy, they have no idea where you are!"

"I'm at Christopher Jackson Park," Philip replied. "Why don't you come by?"

There was a pause.

"Philip, what are you talking about?" asked Theo in a low voice. "What's going on?"

"Nothing's going on," Philip said. "I just... I just need this time. Come on by, Theo. Please. I'm by the pond."

Taking a deep breath of worry for her friend, Theo finally said, "I'll be right over."

Soon, she found Philip lying on the grass.

"So, this is what you've been up to," said Theo in an amused tone.

  But Philip didn't smile. "Yeah. I just... needed some time away. Y'know?"

  Theo frowned with sympathy. She knew what Philip was going through at school. It broke her heart; he was such a good kid.

  "Well, we should probably head home," she said. "Your parents-"

  "No," Philip broke in. "Theo, I can't go home. Not yet. Please don't make me."

"But, we've both got homework and-"

"We'll get it done. We can waste a little time."

Theo sighed, slowly sitting down next to him. "Fine, but I'm at least telling your parents you're okay."


Theo punched the keys on her phone, quickly sending Philip's parents a vague text of "Philip's fine. I found him," before putting her phone away and lying beside Philip.

They said no words, but Philip could feel his strength renewing itself just by having Theo there. His problems didn't feel so big, and he felt like he could fight another day. Slowly, Philip inched his hand closer to Theo's and interlaced his fingers with hers. Theo didn't move at his touch, but gave his hand a subtle squeeze. They would go back to the real world eventually, but for now, they enjoyed just having each other, wasting time and forgetting the world.

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