~I Love Betsey {Modern AU}~

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A/N: I was finding out about the new Evan Hansen, Andrew Barth Feldman, and I found this video of him singing a song called I Love Betsey, and of course it made me think of Hamliza. :3 I'm so excited for Andrew to take over as Evan Hansen- I'm sure he'll do great!

  Alexander Hamilton was in love with the most amazing girl: his Betsey. Thinking of her made his heart sing and his feet want to break into a dance, but he limited it to merely a bounce in his step. She had taken control of his every thought. Everything he saw reminded him of her. Thinking about Betsey made his walk to work a lot more beautiful; New York City never felt so alive to him.

  Just then, a taxi blared by, honking mercilessly at another car that had dared to bother it. The obnoxious honking of the taxi made Alexander want to get annoyed, but then he remembered the time he and Betsey rode a taxi back to her apartment where they would part ways for the night. It was pitch black out and freezing, and he and Betsey sat nestled together, keeping each other warm. Betsey had been wearing her white faux coat and cap, and the fluff on the cap had rubbed against his cheek. It was so soft, he remembered fondly, and it smelled like Betsey's perfume. Alex liked taxis, he decided, because they reminded him of Betsey.

  There was a ShakeShack across the street. He and Betsey had stopped there many times before. Betsey would always get a regular burger with no pickles, a gluten free bun, and a salted caramel shake, and he would get a cheeseburger with extra pickles and an Oreo shake. ShakeShack was, in his opinion, the best place to get milkshakes in the city. It was even better when you went with Betsey.

  He saw Betsey again as he walked past one of New York's many museums: The Museum of Modern Art. He had gone there with Betsey and her family once. It was... well, there was a lot of art, that was for sure. Alexander was not a big art person. He didn't understand why people made such a fuss over it, especially when a lot of it didn't make any sense. But he didn't want to be rude to Betsey's parents, who were kind enough to invite him, so he pretended he was extremely interested in every boring piece. That is, until he slowed his pace so he and Betsey would trail behind the group a little bit and take silly pictures with all the art. His favorite was the one of Betsey stretched out at a crazy angle making a bizarre face, smooshing her cheeks together and letting her tongue poke out, imitating a painting that was literally three splats of paint on a canvas. Her likeness was uncanny. But the best part was when they "accidentally" got separated from the group, and Alex ran through the sculptures wing with Betsey on his back. That trip to the MoMA had been a great experience, but only because of Betsey.

  Lots of ordinary things, Alex realized, had a new meaning because of Betsey. Dancing on the pier, long walks after dark, riding bikes on the Brooklyn bridge, going to the zoo, getting caught in the rain, the opera-

  Wait, forget that last part. Alex still hated the opera.

  But everything else, all of those simple memories, were vivid and warm and filled Alex with love for his girl.

  Five years. He had been in love with Betsey for five years. What on earth had Alex done to get so lucky and keep her around all this time? He was poor, sometimes work obsessed and a little short tempered. But Betsey loved him through his faults. With Betsey, he felt like something more than himself.

Ten years. That's how long his mother had been dead. For ten years Alex had been clinging to his mother, almost standing still, refusing to move on. He was afraid to step forward and let other people in. But his Betsey... she wasn't going to wait around forever, he realized. If Alex didn't make a move, someone else would, and Betsey would be gone.

  He froze in his step, and a fire aroused in Alex's heart. That was it. He was going to do it. He was going to ask Betsey to marry him. He would shell out some money and buy her the nicest ring she could afford. He would take her out to eat and get sparklers and fancy wine- the works. He was going to make Betsey his fianceé. The thought filled him with an extraordinary joy. Alex could only describe it as swallowing a piece of pure sunshine. He and Betsey were going to be married.

  In his euphoria, Alex didn't see another taxi come flying down the street and run right over a puddle he was standing next to. In the blink of an eye, he was drenched withwater. A part of him wanted to shout, to curse out that stupid taxi and let his whole day be ruined. But instead, he smiled, wrung out his sleeves, and kept walking. Little things like this didn't matter anymore.

  Because he loved Betsey. And she loved him.

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