~When You have a Problem, You Come Home {Modern AU}~

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A/N: Requested to me by Hamiltrashcat!

  The sound was like music to his ears.

  And that sound was no sound at all.

  The noise was still fresh in Alex's brain- his and Eliza's screaming, Philip's crying- but the silence of the cool night air helped whisk it farther and farther away. He took a deep breath, drinking in the peace. He would go back eventually; tomorrow maybe, or the day after. Whenever she finally calmed down and realized she was being ridiculous. For now, though, Alex had work he needed to get done. He had stumbled upon a little diner next to a motel and was heading inside.

  The diner was even quieter than the night outside. While outside, you could hear the faint whir of cars in the distance, here there was nothing. It was a little eerie. The restaurant was empty; Alex couldn't believe it was still open. He took a spot on the end of the counter, ordered a coffee, spread out his papers, and began to write.

  Smoke poured out of Alex's brain as he worked, his pencil flying across the paper. When he was writing, Alex felt like his problems were a million miles away. He could escape the world through his pen. When he was being productive, he felt at his best; why did she want to take that away from him?

  "Do you expect me to raise him myself?" she had cried.

  Alex thought that was the dumbest question in the world. "I'm trying to provide for him!"

  The heat of anger flared up in his veins at the memory, but he pushed it down and kept writing. The trail of graphite on his paper flowed until he heard the door opened. Alex repressed an irritated grown at the sound and kept his eyes glued to his papers. As he heard the person walking closer, Alex prayed, Don't sit over here. Don't sit over here. Don't sit-

  He took a seat at the other end of the bar.

  Alex let a sigh escape his nose before taking a sip of his coffee. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the man plop down in the stool and dump a mess of papers across the counter. 

  "Me, too," he heard the guy say to him.

  Alex closed his eyes in annoyance as he set his mug down. "What?"

  "I was just saying I'm in the same boat. With all the work and papers and deadlines and such." He chuckled, and Alex finally gave in and cast his eyes down the counter. His jaw dropped when he saw the smiling face that greeted him morph into one of shock and horror.

  The guy looked exactly like him.

  "Uh..." What could Alex say? He was usually a quick thinker, but he had never been confronted with a situation so bizarre. He should have just found a park bench and worked by the light of a street lamp.

  As he tried to find words for this extremely uncomfortable moment, the man started working his jaw and finally said, "You... you realize you have my face, right?"

  Well, that was enough to wake Alex up. "Your face?" he bellowed, hopping off his stool and hurrying over to the guy. "You have my face!"

  It was true. While their faces were the same, this guy looked younger than Alex, and he didn't have his short ponytail. The man must have realized this, because he asked, "How old are you?"


  "Oh. I'm nineteen." The guy shrugged, and Alex felt a rush of satisfaction before the weirdness sank in again.

  "Is this... normal?"

  The guy shrugged again. "I couldn't tell ya. You're the first person I've ever met who has the same face as me."

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