~Ham Fam {Sitcom AU}~

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A/N: Requested by cho_2004. Hope you like it! It was really fun and different to write. And thanks so much -Stitch for brainstorming the plot with me. Also, just like in my Hamilton Reacts book, Theodosia Sr. is going to be called Theodosia, and Theodosia Jr. will be called Theo. ;)



Alex: *sitting on the couch, hard at work on his laptop*

Philip: *wearing a grey and navy blue polo shirt and khaki shorts, sitting in an armchair on the side, reading a book*


Eliza: Alexander, when are you gonna put that laptop down and take a break?

Alex: Just a few more minutes. I'm almost done.

Eliza: That's what you said an hour ago!

Philip: Don't even bother, Mom. I asked Dad if he wanted to play a game or somethin', but I an earthquake could destroy our house right now and all he would say was, "Who got dirt on my laptop?!"


Philip: Seriously, there's nothing to do today! All of my friends are busy, sick, or grounded. I've got no one to hang out with!

Eliza: I'll hang out with you, Philip.

Philip: Really?

Eliza: Yeah! We can play, "Wash the Windows!"

Philip: I thought Dad was the main player in that game.

Alex: Well, I'm ready to train up a worthy successor who will ultimately surpass me. There's already a movie in the works about it.


Philip: *sighs* Alright. *stands up* I've got nothing better to do... let's get this over with.



[A/N: Every good sitcom has a wacky neighbor, and when I shared this idea with -Stitch, I promised her she could be it. XD]

Finley: *wearing a Beatles t-shirt, a blue flannel, sweatpants, and Vans high-top sneakers, and is holding a copy of Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch* HELLAR!

Alex: Finley, haven't we talked about knocking?!

Finley: You've talked about knocking. A lot. It's getting old.


Finley: Anyway, I came to tell you that some new neighbors conveniently moved in across the street from us. I thought I'd let you know so you could go say hi and not be anti-social. That's supposed to be my job.

Alex: Then leave!


Alex: Am I gonna have to hear about your Goldfinch obsession every time you burst into my home?

Finley: *holds up fist* My middle finger's crooked. Wanna see?


Finley: Alright, I'm leaving. Bye, Pip! Say hi to your And Peggy for me!

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now