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A/N: What I love about this book is that I can to explore other relationships I find interesting. This one has Hamliza in it, of course, but its main focus is the sibling dynamic of Philip and Angelica Hamilton.

Philip lay staring at his bedroom ceiling. His mother had tucked him in, kissed him goodnight, and blown out his candle. It was time to go to sleep, yet Philip's eyes refused to close. He hadn't seen his father all day. He had been working really hard lately, and tonight he hadn't even come home for dinner. He must be coming home any second now...

He heard his door open, and he turned expectantly to face his father. But when he looked, he saw it wasn't his father after all. It was his sister Angelica.

"Philip?" his little sister squeaked. "Where's Daddy?"

"He's at work, Angie," Philip replied, sitting up in his bed.

"Still?" Angelica whined. "But what about our goodnight kisses?"

"I dunno," Philip said with a shrug. "I guess he'll come say goodnight to us whenever he gets home."

"Can I wait with you?" Angelica asked suddenly. "We can stay awake until he gets home."

Philip shifted uncomfortably. "I don't think so. Mama will get mad if she finds you're not in your bed."

"I'll go to bed after Daddy comes home," Angelica insisted. "Please, Philip? I'm scared in my room. I tried to wait by myself, but it's too dark."

Philip cocked his head, struggling to make a decision. Finally, he sighed in relent and said, "Okay. Come on in. We just gotta be quiet so Mama won't hear us."

Angelica squealed with delight as she leapt into Philip's bed. Quickly, she scurried under the covers, and the siblings grinned at each other through the darkness. When Philip let out a yawn, Angelica threw her hands over his mouth.

"No, Philip!" she cried. "We gotta stay up until Daddy comes home! Remember?"

"I know," Philip said. "I won't fall asleep."

They lay quietly for a moment. "Hey, look at the moon," Philip remarked, pointing out his bedroom window.

Angelica turned to see the full moon hanging in the sky. It was big and bright, and it washed the bed in silver moonlight. "It looks like it's coming to get us."

The siblings snapped their gaze at each other.


Together they threw the covers over their heads, falling into muffled giggles.

"Are we safe yet?" Angelica asked.

Philip peeked out from under the covers. "Not yet. The moon's still looking for us."

"He's gonna fly through the window and smush us!" Angelica exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Angie. I'll protect us." He scooted up to a sitting position and picked up an imaginary bayonet. He was now a soldier, just like his father was. Aiming the invisible barrel of his gun, he flexed his pointer finger and "fired" at the moon.

"I got 'im!"

"Yay, Philip!" Angelica cheered. They repeated this game over and over again, hiding under the covers and then taking turns "saving" each other from the moon. After eventually growing tired of it, they silently stared up at the ceiling, their eyes glazed over.

"Philip?" Angelica finally croaked. "Can you tell me a story?"

Philip yawned; this time, Angie didn't seem to notice. "Okay. Once upon a time, there was... a castle high on a mountain, where there lived a king, a queen, and their son and daughter. The boy was a knight named Philip, and the girl was a princess named Angelica."

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now