~Family Reunion (Hamilkids) {Modern AU}~

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A/N: This one was a ton of fun to write! I tried to keep the family trees as accurate as possible, but I did have to make a few changes. 

  "Are we there yet?"

  "Philip, I asked you not to ask me again."

  "But are we?"

  "If we were there, do you think we'd still be driving?"

  The car ride had been agonizingly long. The movie on the portable DVD player had lost its affect on Philip, and he had resorted to staring out the window and pestering his parents every five minutes. It wasn't his fault he was so antsy; why did something so exciting have to be so far away?

  "Just let your dad concentrate on the road, Philip," Eliza said gently, rubbing her husband's shoulder.

  Alexander held onto the steering wheel tightly, as if it was his patience. He hated long car rides as much as his son did, and after over five hours, three temper tantrums, and more bathroom breaks than he could remember, he just wanted to get there without driving the car into a tree. It was like well-prescribed medicine when he saw a big brick house in the distance, a red dot in the sea of grass ahead of them.

  "There it is!" he announced to his family. "We're here, Philip!"

  Philip's eyes lit up when he saw what his father saw. He and Angie whooped and cheered, and the whole family felt a little more alive as they drove past the expansive field and to the Pastures mansion. Once the car was in the driveway, Philip began to climb out from his spot in the back row to the middle.

  "Philip, wait!" Eliza ordered. "You'll kick your brothers. AJ is finally calm! Just settle down."

  Philip plopped back in his seat next to Angie and watched his parents take James and AJ out of their carseats. Finally, once the coast was clear and there were no little brothers to watch out for, Angie and Philip climbed over the seats and scrambled out of the car like it was on fire. They looked up to hear a chuckle.

  "Long car ride, huh?" asked the deep, raspy voice of Philip Schuyler.

"You have no idea," groaned Alex, only half joking. He and Eliza went over to Philip for a hug or a handshake, but the children beat them to it, throwing themselves onto their grandfather. Philip Sr. smiled and quickly dropped down to meet their eyes. Even years after his service, he was a stern military man through and through, but his poise was abandoned when his grandchildren were involved.

  "They just couldn't wait to get here, Dad," Eliza said. "Who else is here right now?"

  "Angelica got in last night, and Peggy got here a little while before you did," Philip Sr. replied.

  Alexander shrugged. "Well, Angelica took a plane, and Peggy only has one kid. That's much fewer diaper changes and rest stops. She didn't have to worry about getting everyone to go at the same time."

  Philip Sr. laughed. "Everyone's in the backyard."

  Philip and Angie bounded to the backyard, AJ close behind. Eliza shifted James higher onto her hip and followed along with her husband and father. 

  A long table with drinks and hors d'oeuvres on it was set up on the lawn. The food was catered in, as usual; this was a Schuyler family reunion, after all. No barbecuing here. There were just too many sons, daughters, grandchildren, and cousins to grill for everyone. Besides, they had the money to host a nice reunion every year, so they always went all out. 

  It was hard to tell what food was at the table, as a good portion of was currently blocked by Eliza's three younger brothers, no doubt inhaling an ungodly amount of snacks. Eliza laughed and rolled her eyes; though grown-up now, they were still her little brothers through and through.

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now