i/ Dry spell be gone

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Somebody in the World is probably on a vacation right now, splayed out under the tanning sun, wearing designer sunglasses and birthday suit. Sipping on nutritious nectar and caring about nothing else in the World but wondering if prada would get something out soon, or if the iPhone xs on the flawless stool is due for replacement or not.


That is the life.

And then there's me, daydreaming behind a cubicle in Let's talk love - LTL - organisation's customer care section, where I've worked tirelessly and frustratingly for three years, four months and three days to be precise.

And for what? A few measly notes of value that go no where in my day to day necessities. Let's not forget the part where there's no promotion.

But unfortunately for a person like me who doesn't have those flawless, manicured fingers that snap and a stack of hundred dollar notes appear in a millisecond. No. I definitely do need the job.

As I rest my chin on my palm and gaze into nothing in particular's eyes, day dreaming about a fairytale life that billionaires, billionairess-es, billionaires' wives effortlessly live in. Putting myself in place of them, I was oblivious to the hole of a gaze, my colleague - aka bestfriend - was burning right through my face.

It wasn't until she cleared her throat that reality shows it's face and I sulk at my too familiar work environment - aka hell.

"I told you, if you'd have agreed to my idea of getting you a man to warm you up, you wouldn't have this -" she uses her pen to point at my face up to down, "- piping hot desert of a face right now."

I roll my eyes at her words. She has been bugging me since forever for her to set me up on blind dates because like a mom, she isn't happy with my endless, loveless life and she is starting to get wrinkles by worrying about me too much. I refused, of course.

If I want a man, then I'll get a man. But it's never my priority.

Forever bless you Meghan Trainor.

It was ridiculous. Blind dates, never.

"You always think everything is about a man, even when there is no man," I retort, "I wasn't thinking about, that. Thank you."

She narrows her eyes and suck in her cheeks, giving her full lips an incredulous pout, "mm-hm."

"MM-HM." I shoot back, adding more defense than necessary.

But she wasn't done, if that's what you were thinking. Nope, not her.

She sighs, "oh come on, just one -" she raises her index finger, " - one blind date is all."

"Nope," I shake my head, "no."

"Oh please," she begs, "I mean look at you, have you seen your ass? You're gonna let your boobies sag without gracing them with the honour of a warm, wet tongue flick."

I raise my index finger and shook it once, "don't take it there."

She rolls her eyes with a smug expression on her pretty face, "sheesh, look at you, you're gonna let all of that go to waste?" she moves her hand up to down, gesturing at my body.

"Paris." I deadpan, wanting no more of her pestering. Really, can't a girl live her life without a man in it? What's so bad about that?

She takes the hint of my annoyance and put her wireless earpiece back on, leaning back on her chair, "whatever Champagne, you do need a man." she murmurs, then jerks up pointing at me, "this is not over."

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