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This is the last update I will be adding to this book, and so there were a few things that I wanted to touch on.
First of all - I say it all the bloody time - but thank you. Thank you so, so much for the never-ending support on this book - it took six months for me to get a thousand reads on this book, and in the past month, by some miracle, this book gained over 40,000 new readers, and I am so, so grateful. I've had the chance to speak to a couple of you, and you are all so, unbelievably lovely - if anybody reading this ever wants to talk - whether it be about my writing, about yourself, or whatever you're going through - don't be scared to message me! I promise, I'm not scary.
I love hearing opinions on my work, so even if it's just a DM to give me one - I'm beyond happy to talk about it.
Second of all - Before the Storm. I hadn't expected so many people to actually want more of this book, and of course - it wouldn't make sense for me to write a sequel. And so, a prequel was something I became interested in writing, since I gave Harry a pretty elaborate backstory - it's only fair I tell it his way, right? For everybody who has read it so far, and everybody who will go onto read it - thank you, again. I really hope it doesn't disappoint.
Thirdly - Art. Art is my not-so-new, new project, which I love with all my heart. I do my best to update it weekly, as well as Before the Storm, and so if for whatever reason you'd like to read more from me that isn't related to the story of Harry and Ana, then Art is the book for you. It's very different from the books I've written before - this Harry is adorably shy, and pretty endearing, if I do say so myself. I have big plans for that book, so make sure you check it out.
Fourthly - (is that even a word?) - the ending. So many people ask me about the ending for this book, and why the hell did I *SPOILER, if you're here and you haven't finished the book for some reason* have Ana die? And the answer is quite simple - sometimes life isn't always on your side. It's bittersweet, a lot of the time - Harry was alone as the book began, and he fell in love, learnt how to love, and then it was ripped from him. But we pull through - much like he has, for his daughter - sometimes we just have to pull through for ourselves. Sometimes you are the strength you've been desperate to find - and you pull through, even when you feel like you can't.
As a matter of fact, actually - I'd written a happy-ending for this book. I was tempted to give my characters the happy ending I was craving - this book has given me so much light in a really, truly dark part of my life - but it felt right to end it the way I did. If you're like me, you believe Ana and Harry are living on somewhere, happy, reading books and blasting records - and if you're not like me, that's okay too. I hope you at least had a little closure at the end.
And finally - something a little deep, but - it has to be said. This world is filled with so, so much hate, and sometimes everyone needs a little escape. For me, my escape was this book, and I hope for you it can be too. Literature is a beautiful, beautiful world that we can absorb ourselves into, and the people we meet and the characters we fall in love with will stay with us forever. At the time of writing this, I have so, so much to learn - and though I hope I won't look back and regret this book and cringe at it - it's likely I will. And so, this serves as a little reminder not only for you guys, but for me as well - this escape has been lovely. 'Rain' means so, so much for me, and I'm forever grateful for the people I have met through this book, or managed to touch in any way, shape, or form.
Still, I hope you laughed, cried, and enjoyed the crazy rollercoaster ride with my characters. They love you very much. I love you very much, too.
I will always, always answer your messages, comments, and whatever else. Check out my other books, too - hopefully they won't shatter your hearts too much.
- S xxx

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