Part 7: Negotiations

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Matthew Murdock smiled and sat down in the chair.
"So, Mr. Brock, let's-"
"Just call me Eddie, okay?" Eddie interrupted.
"Alright, Mr. Br-uhm-Eddie. Do you know why you're here?"
"I guess I did something bad, right?" He said.
"Well, they're trying to say that you, with the assistance of your... uhm... what's it called again... oh yes, your 'symbiote', broke into the prison and started this riot."
"Oh really now?" Eddie said sarcastically.
"Several guards reportedly saw a large black creature, fitting the description, walking around the halls." Murdock said.
"That does fit the description, doesn't it?" Eddie said, avoiding revealing any sort of compromising information.
"Eddie, I need you to tell me the truth so we can handle this case correctly." The lawyer said.
"How do they know it was me?"
"Well, several of the guards by the outside gate said they saw you transform into this creature and, I quote, 'Leaped over the fence.'"
Eddie remained silent.
"Is this true?"
"Look, I'm not a bad guy, Murdock."
"I never said you were. In fact, I believe that you're innocent. I wouldn't have taken this case if I didn't. I just need your full compliance."

Eddie was silent for a moment, until Venom whispered something into his ear: "Comply with him, Eddie. Tell him the truth, just make sure no one knows you still have me."

"Okay, fine. What do you want to know?"
Murdock smiled. "I just want to know your side of the story. Tell me everything."
Eddie hesitated. Venom spoke to him again, "Tell him EVERYTHING, Eddie. All of it."
"Well, for starters, I didn't start shit. This riot was already happening when I heard about it. A friend was on the inside and I went out to help him. I arrived at the gate, the guards gave me trouble, so I went in by force. Once inside, I used the ventilation system to infiltrate the prison. I grabbed a guard and asked him where the riot began, he said solitary, so I went. I discovered my friend there, being threatened with a knife by the new inmate, James Hernandez. I told my friend to run, and I dealt with the criminal."
"Yes, well, at first. I actually fared pretty well. Eventually, after some struggle, he had me down. That's when I called on my symbiote."
"The one you stole from the Life Foundation?"
"Yeah, we-uhm-I took him down and went back out into the hall. That's when I heard my friend scream. I found him at Cell Block G, strung up, limbless."
"So that was Jack?"
"Yeah, how do you know?"
"I read his file. Kasady got him, right?"
"Yeah, Kasady was also in possession of a symbiote. I confronted him, and we had a little rumble. That's when the authorities came in with their sonic device. They used it to separate us from our symbiotes."
"So, would it be correct for me to say that at that point, you lost your symbiote?"
"Yeah, that's correct." Eddie said.
"Alright." The lawyer said conclusively.
"Eddie, I think you're innocent. I do. The only problem is that the jury won't be as educated on these, uhm, 'symbiotes' as you are and might not completely understand."
This enraged Eddie.
"What the hell!? What do you mean they might not understand? What's so hard to understand!? There were TWO DIFFERENT SYMBIOTES."
"Look, as far as they know the evidence points to you. They may see that as an excuse."
"Christ's sake..."
"Look, Eddie, I'm gonna go through some more witness reports and see if anyone knows anything. Maybe some of the prisoners can testify."
"Okay... Wait, what about the guards who used that device to split us from our symbiotes? Surely they saw SOMETHING."
"They each said it was all a blur when it happened. Not one of them could identify two symbiotes."
"God damn..."
"Eddie, I'm going to try and see what I can get out of the witnesses. Maybe the warden won't mind if I question some prisoners? I'll see, Eddie. Just don't worry. You're in good hands."
They shook hands, and the lawyer left.
Eddie was sent back to his cell.
"God, I hope this works." Said Eddie, laying on his bed.
"Me too..." Said Venom, in a soft voice. "If it doesn't, at least we'll have each other."
"Yeah." Eddie replied. "Yeah we will. I could stay in this prison for the rest of my life, and I very likely could, but I wouldn't care, because you'll be here the whole time."
Venom smiled. "What about that lawyer? He's something, isn't he?"
"Yeah, I just hope he's good."
"I think he is. I get this weird vibe from him."
"What do you feel?" Eddie questioned.
"I dunno, it's like... supernatural."
Eddie stayed silent, and confused.
"It's weird, I know... It's just... I dunno. I get this weird feeling like he's...

The Devil."

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