Part 20: The Distance

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"A man was found dead in his San Francisco home at around 7 PM last night. No signs of forced entry were found. The crime scene was reportedly covered in several odd spectacles. These include blood not only in the basement, where he was found, but also on the steps leading to the basement, and handcuffs laying on the ground next to his body. The weirdest thing, however, was discovered in the autopsy. A hole was found in his chest, apparently formed by a large fist. Who, or what, could have done such a thing? I'm Janet Newman, and this is your daily news."

They thought in unison.
"God... That's terrible." Anne said, not giving it a second thought.
"What do you think could possibly have done that?"
"I think we both have a good idea."
She nodded as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
Eddie didn't realize she was smoking again.
People in this city were so stupid. They never put two and two together. One news report would show the manhunt for Cletus Kasady, while the next would be a mysteriously violent crime scene, and they would act so baffled. Eddie was smart, however. He knew what Kasady was doing. They knew what he was doing. And they knew he needed to be stopped.

"I'm gonna go out and get some groceries. Don't leave, Eddie. If I find out you did, you'll be in some serious shit." Anne said, putting her jacket on.
"I won't, babe. I love you."
"I love you too."

As soon as she left, Eddie turned The Office on for Venom and got up to get a snack.

"WE NEED TO GO." Venom said after a long silence.
"No, Venom. She said no."
"Venom, please don't pull this shit."
They were both silent for a while. Eddie poured himself a drink and took a nap.

He woke up just 15 minutes later.
"Ugh... Venom? I fell asleep... Look, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I-"
He wasn't on the couch.
"Venom? Venom!?"
He searched the entirety of the apartment when he realized that Venom was really gone. Venom was gone, and in that moment, the only thing Eddie cared about was getting him back. He just wanted him back. He NEEDED him back. That's when he noticed the window. Had it been open this entire time? Surely it couldn't have been... Eddie knew that's where Venom must have left out of. But where was he? The city was too big for this shit.
Eddie suddenly felt himself panic. He fell to the ground. He never felt anything like this before. That deep despair. Venom could be literally anywhere, and he didn't even have an inkling as to where.
He sighed.
He knew what he had to do.
"Annie... I hope you understand." He said, exiting through the window to the roof.
Anne entered her apartment and called for Eddie to help with the groceries. She received no answer.
She tried again.
Maybe he's asleep, she thought to herself. That had to be it. He was simply asleep.
She put the groceries on the counter and went into the bedroom.
"No... No.... NO! NO!"
She screamed Eddie's name over and over again, to no avail.
He was gone.
Eddie walked down the street, hood up. He was a little scratched up, as jumping down from fire escapes isn't as easy as the movies made it out to be. But he was prepared to do anything to get Venom back.
First off, there were a few possible locations where the symbiote could be hiding. First was the Life Foundation, or at least what remained of it. After the whole incident, the company was renamed and moved to New York. Eddie seemed to remember hearing something about it getting torn down on TV. He had to start there.
First things first, he couldn't be spotted. If anyone were to recognize him, he'd be done for. He needed a change, he needed...
A haircut!
He couldn't go to any ordinary barber, though, he'd be recognized immediately.
That's when he remembered someone who could help. An old buddy he met in prison who escaped during the riot he started, he could also prove to be a useful ally in finding Kasady and taking him down.
Eddie sat on the sidewalk, pulled out his phone and began to dial.
"Hello?" A gruff voice answered.
"Logan? You still in the city?"
"Depends on who's askin'."
"It's Eddie. Eddie Brock. We met in pri-"
"EDDIE! Hahaha! How've you been!?"
A few people stared at Eddie, but no one seemed to recognize him.
"Keep it down, Logan. I'm in public. Where you at?"
"No, man. They can trace our calls. They might have already found you. Look, you remember that place we talked about? Meet me there. Meet me where our dreams collide."
"Logan, wait-"
He'd already hung up.
The place where their dreams collide? Eddie began to recollect his time in prison. Every now and then, he was shortly released from solitary to have lunch with other prisoners. It was very rare, however, and he sat at a different table. The other prisoners technically weren't supposed to sit by him, but Logan, well, he didn't give a fuck.
They discussed numerous topics, and numerous places. How was Eddie supposed to remember one specific pl-
That's when he remembered. It was the place Logan always obsessed over. He said he'd find a girl, build a house there, and finally be happy. It was a spot on the riverside, across the bridge.
Venom peered into the sunlight, wondering why humans were so vulnerable to its rays. It was actually quite beautiful, if you could really see it. He sat there, at the top of the famous Golden Gate Bridge, where he and Eddie had sat countless times before. Perhaps Eddie was looking for him, maybe he should have gone back... Maybe-
NO! How could you be so stupid? Eddie never loved you, and he never will! He reminded himself.
Maybe it was true. Maybe Eddie truly was better off without him. Venom wiped a tear from his eye and dismissed the thought. He had to do what he had to do. Now that Eddie was gone, he wouldn't have any more distractions. He needed to find Kasady. Soon. Before he could strike again.
Venom sighed, as he let himself fall into the endless abyss below.
Eddie arrived at the small hut on the riverside that Logan made his home. He remembered this spot from a field trip when he was a kid. He and this girl, who he liked at the time, had sat there and stared at the sunset. It was so surreal and beautiful. He hadn't felt a peace like that since, well...
Since Venom.
He stepped out of his stolen car, which apparently had a gun inside it. Useful, if he needed it.
His old friend stepped out of the hut, seeming very alert.
"Anyone follow you here?"
"Hopefully not."
Logan gave him a concerned glance.
"No, man, not that I know of."
"Good. Can't afford anyone finding me. Not again. I'd have to use my-uh-emergency contact, so to say."
"Alright, well, it's good to see you man." Eddie said, embracing him.
"Likewise, bub."
With that, they went inside.

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