Part 11: Freedom

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9:00 AM
Eddie sat, face in his palms, and pondered his situation. He was going to have to stay. In prison. In solitude. He would never see Anne again. He would never see his family, his friends, Matt...
But he had Venom.
That son of a bitch. He thought.
They hadn't talked all morning. Not really that much since they heard about Kasady's latest murder. Eddie needed him. Especially now, and he wasn't there. He's never there when I need him.
A knock on his door.
"Who is it?"
"Come in."
Matthew walked in and sat down by Eddie. The guard observed them at the door.

"What do you want, Murdock?"
"Ouch. Okay, I know you're mad we didn't win the case. Look, I did everything I could, but that damned jury..."
Eddie thought about it. About the trial, about the judge, about Matt, about Venom... He wanted revenge. He wanted to get out, right the wrongs, and move on.
"Yeah, I understand. I get it, really. I just wish there could be some other way, you know?"
"I want you to know something, Matt. If you completely forget me and everything about this case, I only want you to remember one thing."
"What is it?"
"I did something. No doubt about that. The judge and the jury say I'm guilty, I don't believe I'm guilty, but I did something nonetheless. I was trying to be good, trying to do something good for a change, but I was reckless.
"I was reckless, and people died. No one should ever have to die because I screwed up. Then I tried to fix everything and stop Kasady. I got so close, but not close enough. I couldn't stop him, and now he's out killing people. It's all my fault, Matt. All of it."
Matt looked down, devoid of words.
That's when Eddie heard the all too familiar voice in his head.
"It's not your fault, Eddie. It's never your fault."
Eddie laid in his bed at home. Annie was at his side, like always. He felt good; he knew he was loved. He knew she was always there for him; he knew she would do anything for him, there was just something missing. He longed for something more than what Anne gave him. He just needed someone to be there. Like, really there. All the time. No matter what happened. This was a form of love that was unbreakable. There would be ups and downs, but the love would always save them. Always.
Eddie laughed at himself.
Why don't you write a goddamn romance novel, Ed. He said silently.
Anne got up, and walked over to her computer. Eddie looked at her, thinking about how different his life would be without her. Would he be happier? Perhaps he would find someone else. Someone that could give him what he wanted, what he needed.
He rolled back over and fell asleep, with thoughts of what could be.
1:09 PM
Eddie awoke from his nap to see that he was still in prison. He was still in prison, and that wasn't going to change.
He'd need to get used to this, because from now on, it was his life.

3:00 PM
His guard entered his cell.
"What do you want, man?"
"Just checking in."
"Thanks, mom. Now get out." Eddie said sarcastically.
"Sure thing..." He said oddly, and walked out.
"I don't know man, but it was weird."

4:00 PM
Again his guard randomly walked into his cell.
"Alright bro, what the fuck are you doing?" Eddie said abruptly.
"Nothing, Ed. I'm just seeing." He said, walking out.
Eddie was legitimately concerned now. What was this guard doing? Was he planning something? What was going to happen to him?
Would Venom be able to come out if something  did happen?
Eddie kept an eye out, and waited.

5:45 PM
His guard entered his cell again, this time joined by an officer.
"What are you doing?" Eddie said.
They said nothing, locking the door behind them.
"Hey! Do you speak English!? What are you doing?"
One of them drew a silenced pistol.
"Answer me!"
After a moment, the guard spoke up.
"We're just... uhm,"
"Tying up loose ends."
The officer finished, opening fire on Eddie.
It happened in a flash.
The bullets hit him, and he thought he was going to die. The men stopped after firing ten rounds each. They looked at the body before them.
Eddie groaned.
They believed their job was finished, so they sheathed their weapons and turned the other way. In the blink of an eye, Eddie was back up. Venom's tendrils were all over him, and his eyes were replaced by that of Venom's. He didn't have the power to completely cover him, but he did what he could.
The men turned around and looked at each other in surprise.
"What the fu-" The officer started to say, but didn't even finish his sentence before Eddie grabbed him by the neck and bit his head off. The other watched in disgust, and tried to run. Big mistake, because he realized then that he had locked the door. He went for the control panel, but it was too late. Eddie had already gripped onto the back of his head. He threw the guard through the door, and advanced.

You're Mine Now (Venom X Eddie)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ