Part 18: Torture

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"Hey there, little buddy!" Cletus Kasady said, laughing.
"Shit." The word was becoming much more familiar to Eddie and Venom.
Kasady didn't say anything else for a moment, just smiled.
"Are ya lost?" He finally said, that huge grin on his face.
"I-uh-yeah-I-uhm... yeah, I am."
He was unsure exactly what to say or how to react.
Kasady smiled, uttered an "I'll help you home," and picked Venom up, much to his dismay.
"Don't you worry, bud. I ain't gonna hurt you."
Venom was SHIVERING.
"Before I take ya home, lemme introduce you to a little someone."
He turned, and entered an empty general store. It was abandoned. Unlocked, or Kasady had the key. Venom was hiding inside himself, similar to a turtle. Kasady was cradling him like a baby. He took the shivering symbiote behind the counter, where the oddest thing happened. He sat him down, and reached under the counter. "Come here, boy." He pulled out, of all things, another symbiote! It was similar to Venom, being black in color, but Venom knew that not everything was the same upstairs. That being, in the thing's brain. It seemed blank, having no real facial expressions, like a slave.
Kasady introduced the creature as "Venom," and cradled it like a baby.
"WHAT IS THIS?" Venom finally said after a moment of silence.
Kasady did not speak, but continued to pet the symbiote in his arms.
Kasady simply smiled, the creature in his arms following suit, and said, "It's you."

The man's basement was pitch black. Eddie had been there for about five minutes. So this was how he was going to die. In some random basement, bleeding to death. Venom was gone, and it was hopeless. He wondered who all would show to his funeral. Perhaps his parents? That was wishful thinking. Maybe that photographer he met from New York a few years back? Would Matt be there? Last time they spoke they'd broken several of each other's bones. Eddie was literally blackmailing him so he didn't turn him into the cops.
Thinking about it, Eddie realized he wasn't really all that good. The only remotely good thing he wanted to do was to stop Kasady. And even then, his methods were questionable to say the least. He began to laugh. He was in terrible, excruciating pain. But he laughed nonetheless. He began to laugh uncontrollably. That's when he heard the basement door open.

Venom shivered. Kasady sat in front of him, petting this thing in his hands like a kitten.
After a minute, the symbiote turned red, the veins remaining black, and began to laugh uncontrollably.
They both stared at Venom, smiling eerily. Venom slowly edged to the end of the desk, and finally leaped off and raced to the exit. Kasady and his odd Venom clone pounced at him, hands first. Venom made it to the door but was overwhelmed by fear, so he curled into a ball and cried.
That's when he felt Kasady's cold hands surround him. He whispered, "You're mine now..." Venom continued to weep, praying for some kind of intervention.
Kasady fell, dropping Venom. He saw Kasady and his symbiote begin to melt into a pile of goo. The sadistic ass was laughing the whole time. The walls then melted as well, and eventually his whole world around him turned to a goo-like substance. Venom faded away, and turned to dust.
He awoke in the bushes. Kasady was to his right. He was turned around, similar to when he saw Venom. He saw nothing, so he continued walking away. Venom sighed. The terror was over. Kasady didn't see him, there was no evil Venom, and he-
That's when he felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder. It was excruciating. He wanted to scream. He wanted to scream so bad. But he didn't. He just sat there and endured it. After a few moments, it seemingly ended. He sighed, and started to slither away. That's when it happened again. This time, however, it was his left. The terrible, burning pain. He almost couldn't move. After a second or two, however, it went away.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" He said to himself. It was so random. But then again, it wasn't. First his right... then his left. It was like... like he was shot. It was like HE WAS SHOT. LIKE HE WAS SHOT!

"Hey buddy! Still hanging in there!?" The man said as he kicked Eddie in the head.
He groaned in pain.
"What was that?"
"Fuck. you-RAAAAGGHHH" The man interrupted him with a screwdriver in his side. The very screwdriver that Eddie was going to use against him. Figures. Eddie bit down on his shirt.
"Please... please just let me go!"
The man smiled.
"Well since you asked... no. I don't think I'm gonna do that." He said, with a little giggle.
"PLEASE! Come on man, I have a family too!"
The man was silent as he left, and shut the door again.
The pain was so intense. The motherfucker left the screwdriver there, in his side! He was shivering. He just wanted it to be over. He missed Venom. Not Annie... Venom. If they didn't split up, this never would have happened! Eddie was so stupid! Why did he abandon the only person who truly cares? Why? Why did he-
The door flew open.
"Round 2!" The man shouted.
Eddie heard a loud noise, like a lawnmower turning on. When the man got closer, it became very clear what he was holding. It was a fucking CHAINSAW!
The man turned his chainsaw to Eddie's shoulder, and lunged for it.

That's when a black hand plunged through his chest.

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