Part 12: Devil

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"Lasher, you son of a bitch!" Venom said, laughing.
"Why would you even help us?" Eddie said.
The green symbiote turned to face them.
"We have a common goal." He said.
"And that is?" Venom asked.
"To stop Kasady. For good."
"Since when have you wanted to do that?" Eddie chimed in.
"Look, I only used him as a host to get to Venom. That was my ultimate goal. But then I got a look into his mind..."
"Oh God." They said.
"I've seen some shit... I mean it guys, it was fucked up. I even looked into some of his memories. He killed his grandmother when he was only 9, pushed her down a flight of stairs."
"Goddamn..." Eddie said.
"You think that's bad? He tried to kill his mom by throwing her hair dryer into the bath while she was in it. And he tortured and killed the family dog with a drill."
Eddie wanted to puke, but Venom was curious.
"What else?"
"Look, I can't tell you everything. If I did, you wouldn't be able to forget it. It would be permanently stuck in your mind, like it is mine. All you need to know is that he's even more dangerous than we thought. If you do go after him, be careful."
"Will do. So, what are you going to do?" Venom asked.
"For now, I need to find a host. Then I'll probably get as far away from this blasted city as I can."
"Thanks again for saving us." Eddie muttered.
"No problem, guys. Good luck with Kasady."
And with that, he jumped back into the water and sped away.

"So, what are we going to do?" Eddie asked his companion.
"I need to build up strength. Until I'm back to 100%, we need somewhere to stay. Lay low."
"I think I know who can help us." Eddie responded.
Anne. He needed her now, more than ever.
Eddie felt himself fly into the air as he jumped from the Suntrust building he was standing on.
"Do you know where her apartment is?" Venom asked him.
"Yeah, I think."
Eddie trusted his gut as he leaped from building to building using the powers Venom gave him. He couldn't do much, but he could jump pretty high and was about twice as strong as normal, so that was something.
He tried to remember where Anne said her apartment was. She told him only to come if it was an emergency. He assumed this would count. Hopefully she wouldn't turn him in. No, Anne wouldn't do that. Would she? No, never. Eddie had his second thoughts, but at the moment, he didn't have much of a choice.

Venom knew Eddie trusted Anne. He knew she would protect them. But for some reason, it just wasn't enough. He wanted Eddie, and only Eddie. He didn't need the risk of someone seeing them. That, and he wanted some alone time with Eddie. Venom knew he hurt his feelings at the prison. Eddie had just surprised him, that's all. He had feelings for Eddie, but he was just scared. Scared it wouldn't work out. How could two different beings possibly work it out? He saw how hard it was for just Eddie and Anne, two normal humans. But for an alien, an abnormal one at that, and a human, how on God's green Earth could that even begin? No, he couldn't do it. It was too risky. And if it didn't work out, would Eddie get rid of him? Would he give up on them completely? He pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand.

Eddie jumped to another building, but was winded, so he stopped for a second.

That's when he noticed the red figure to his right.
"What the hell..." He said.
It remained silent, and completely still.
"What are you!?" He shouted.
Eddie got up, ready for a fight.
"Look, I dunno who or what you are, but if you're looking for trouble, you're sure as hell gonna find so-"
He was interrupted by a red baton-like weapon hitting him in the face, and knocking him down. The figure must have thrown it at him. He saw it retract, and return to its owner.

Venom brought him back up. "We aren't going down, Eddie. Not now. If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he's gonna get."
Eddie nodded, and raised his fists. "I'm ready! You want a fight? Come and get it!"
The figure charged him, and the fight had begun.
The red figure, who Eddie could tell was a man, threw a punch at him. He noticed the odd imagery in the man's suit. Although it was dim, he could make out horns on his helmet. Like the Devil.
He ducked, grabbing the man's arm, and threw him off the roof.
"Easy enough."
He turned to walk away when he was grabbed from behind and flipped over.
Venom's tendrils surrounded Eddie, giving him more control.
Eddie jumped back up, and faced the man.
"Who are y-" The man interrupted him, punching him in the face.
They were enraged now.
Eddie threw a punch, but the figure evaded it, and tripped him.
Eddie jumped up, only to be tripped again.
The figure jumped on top of him and began to beat him down.
Eddie gathered up his strength and, in one, sudden motion, grabbed the red-clad man and flung him off.
He used his symbiote's tendrils to raise himself and run at the downed man.
"Who are you!" He shouted.
The man did not answer, but instead kept rolling around, seemingly in pain.
He inched over to the man, and grabbed him. It was an act. The man gripped Eddie's arm and kicked it, breaking the bone.
"Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk!!!!" Eddie and Venom shouted in unison.

The man jumped back up, and got into a fighting stance.
Eddie groaned in pain, and slowly stood.
"You're not taking us down, you red son of a bi-" The man did a flip kick, knocking Eddie back down.
"Shit." He said, feeling his bloody mouth for broken teeth.
Venom knew Eddie was lost on his own, so he conjured up as much strength as he could. He wrapped himself around Eddie, taking over.

Eddie felt safe, he knew he was safe. He had never doubted Venom when he said those words: "I'll protect you, Eddie. I'll always protect you."

Venom felt himself take over. He covered every inch of Eddie, and took his true form. He hadn't felt this way in so long. This was like his armor, and it couldn't be broken. The red figure turned, and began to flee, but it was in vain. Venom formed a sort of lasso with his arm, and wrapped it around his opponent.
He pulled it towards him, and headbutted the man, knocking him down. He rose the man up, and punched him. He punched again. And again, and again... The man rose his leg, trying to kick at Venom, but he gripped it, and squeezed.
"Shit!" The man screamed.
Venom wrapped his tendrils around him and brought him up to his meet his eyes.
"WE'VE GOT YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH! We've go-" He fell over, shrinking down. Venom felt himself weakening. Keep... going...
KEEP. GOING.. He tried to gather his strength, but there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
"I can't, Eddie... I'm sorry."

The man in red fell over, also weak from the fight.

Eddie forced himself up.
"COME ON!" He shouted, barely able to walk.
He raised his fists.

The other man slowly rose up, and spoke. "You're persistent, I'll give you that."
There was something odd about his voice. Something oddly familiar about it.
Eddie pushed himself, and walked over to the man. He put his hand on his shoulder, and squeezed.
He raised his broken arm, and punched the man in the face. He did so again, and again. And again. He repeated this process until he literally couldn't feel his arm.
The man rose his fists, and tried to punch. Eddie moved his head, and the man fell on his face.

"Now, let's see who you really are." Eddie leaned down, grabbed the man's red, horned headpiece, and tore it off. The man faced him, and Eddie laughed as he realized who his attacker was.

"Hey, Eddie."
Said the man.

Eddie spoke with a smirk.
"Hey Matt."

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