Chapter 6 - Selección Colombia

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I woke up about two hours before we landed, before James also.

When he finally woke up he looked exhausted, like that was the best sleep he's gotten since he's arrived in Spain.

It's early in the morning and we begin to chat a bit about the news we were watching on the screens in front of us. Then James began to ask more about New York and about my family, I did the same in return.

When we arrive at the airport and make it past customs and await for our luggage, we're greeted by the trip advisor for the Colombian national team. I introduce myself before he begins to explain whom else he had to pick up at the airport after us.

We head towards another Terminal and await for the arrival of Fredy Guarin. Once he arrives, James introduces me and we make our way to yet another terminal to pick up Carlos Sanchez. Same routine as the last but now we head to the shuttle bus to take us to the hotel.

I chat with the guys all the way to the hotel and they both seem to really like me. I am super excited to meet the rest of team and to watch the match; a dream come true to meet my national team.

We make it to the hotel a couple of minutes later and James and I are on the same floor. I meet a couple of the other guys on the team and then I meet Pékerman.

Oh Lord, the things I want to say to him. What a great man. He was super nice and inviting, I felt like I was imposing a bit but he granted me full access to it all.

I tag along on the team's bus as they make their way to practice and I nervously ask for a photo with them all on the field.

Some of the players are missing but this is the best I can and will ever do. I watch them train for a bit after I tell James he can't stay for long. I head over back to Pékerman to explain the same thing.

"No, no I understand," Pékerman begins to shake his head. "Very busy kid all of a sudden. Here's hoping Madrid has got him training extensively."

"I've seen him train and I honestly don't know how he manages to get out of bed the next day," I say and receive a chuckle from him.

My phone begins to ring and I excuse myself.

"Hey, I just got in the cab you sent," Marcelo speaks.

"Alright, I'm on my way. I'm only a block or two away," I explain before we hang up after saying our quick goodbyes.

I go back over to Pékerman and ask him to pay attention to his phone after we exchange numbers, because I am going to need James in a bit.

I make my way over to the offices where Marcelo's shoot for Adidas is taking place. His array of jerseys are that of Real Madrid.

The shoot goes well and in between takes he asks about the flight and how James and the whole team is. I ask the same about his team and he says he hasn't been this excited to see them in forever. He invites me to go out with a couple of them that night but I kindly decline and say I'll just meet them all when we head to New Jersey. Marcelo insisted on going and luckily for me they sent me with him. There's no promo work to do or anything of those sorts, they just wanted me to fly with him, as to not let him go alone, but I also worked in a three day weekend to head back home and visit before leaving for Madrid again.

I call Pékerman and he answers on the first ring. I ask him to send James outside to get in the ride I sent there to bring him to the photo shoot.

Just as Marcelo finishes up, James arrives and they greet each other. Marcelo invites us both to dinner tomorrow night, his treat, and we're both forced to accept. As they begin to set up James for his both Real and Colombia shoot, I take Marcelo to his ride.

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