Boy Talk

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I raged through my closet for an outfit to wear. Polly and Chic sat on my bed playing on their phones.

"Should I wear a sweater or a dress?" I asked.

"Where are you and this guy even going?" Chic asked rolling his eyes.

"We're going to Pops."

"Betty, just be you. You're fun and chill. I'm sure he asked for your number and to go out with you for a reason!" Polly exclaimed. I then went into my bathroom and changed into a casual outfit that I would wear. I walked out and they were still sitting there.

"What do you think?" I smiled.

"You look like Betty Cooper. A basic girl." Chic smiled. I grabbed my pillow and hit him in the head. We all laughed and then Mom car in.

"You have any dirty laundry, Elizabeth?"

"Yeah, just the clothes on the floor right there. Thanks mom." I said. She put them in the laundry basket and looked around the room.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Betty is getting ready to go on a-" Chic began. Polly put her hand over his mouth.

"I'm going to Veronica's. I'll be back later though. I'm just's my lipstick?" I asked.

"Pink Perfection suits you...therefore you look fantastic. Go have fun, just avoid Hiram Lodge. He's like the Devil's Spawn." Mom sassed. I walked out of the room and outside. I smelt the fresh air and was consumed in the darkness of the nighttime. I walked to Pops and saw Jughead sitting in a booth. I sat down and we ordered milkshakes. I got a strawberry and Jughead got a vanilla.

" look nice. I like your hair in a ponytail, it's cute."

"Oh, thanks."

"If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be?" Jughead asked. I thought for awhile. I had to lie to him.

"To bring back my grandma and dad. He taught me how to play piano, you know?"


"Yeah, he taught me when I was really young. Anyways, my wish is to bring him and my grandma back. What about you?"

"To attend college and get an English degree. I'd want to get my Masters Degree and become a professor at a college in English. What are your college-"

"I'll probably stay home and take some online courses. I'll just stay in Riverdale, once again, I'm a homebody!" I giggled. He chuckled and took a sip of his milkshake.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Jughead asked. I smiled and I nodded. We paid and then we went to the Riverdale Lake and went onto one of the docks. It was surrounded by lights and it was a beautiful lake.

"This is wear I spent most of my summers as a kid." Jughead said getting onto one of the speedboats. I followed him onto it.

"Is this yours?"

"Yup, we'll it's my dad's. He doesn't take it out much anymore. He works so much to the point where I hardly see him...I just got the greatest idea with you."

"What is it?"

"We bring lots of food and blankets for this. We go out on the lake and watch the sunset." Jughead smiled. I felt my heart sink to the fact that it sounded like a dream and not reality.

"That sounds...absolutely amazing." I weakly smiled.

"We can't take it out tonight because I don't want other lake house residents to file a noise complaint. One day I'll actually take you out here though."

"Yeah...I need to get home anyways." I nodded. We got off the boat and got in his truck. We pulled up to my house and looked at it in shock.

"This is your house? My friend literally lives right next to you. How did I never notice?" Jughead scoffed and shook his head. I shrugged and looked at him.

"Jug...there's something I need to tell you." I whispered. He looked at me and I sighed. I couldn't tell him.

"I...had a really amazing time tonight."

"Me too. There's a movie called 'Five Feet Apart' playing at The Bijou tomorrow. I work there so I know times. Can we go to the one at 9:15PM?"

"That sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow, come and pick me up though." I said. I got out of the car and I waved at him goodbye. He waved back and drove off. I smiled to myself and ran inside. My mom was sitting on the couch. I groaned when I saw her.

"I need to know where you were. Right now!"

"I told you, I was with Veronica." I shrugged and sat down on the couch.

"I called Hermione and asked her how you were doing. She said that you weren't there. I didn't do anything because I was for sure you'd be fine. Now spill."

"Alright Mom...I was with a boy named Jughead Jones and he's really kind and funny. I also like him."

"I don't have a problem with you dating. What did he say about your XP?"

"I didn't tell him." I whispered looking away and then back at my mom.

"No! You can't date him if he doesn't know. He needs to know so then he can keep you safe."

"I know this! I just need more time. I need to be something more than a disease."

"You're not a disease! You're amazing just the way your are. When are you guys going out again?" Mom smiled.

"Tomorrow night. I'm going to bed now, goodnight!" I exclaimed and hugged my mom. I then ran upstairs to my room. I danced around and squealed. I fell on my bed and I started laughing. I was something to someone and it felt good...but the XP didn't.

Midnight SunHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin