The Worst

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JUGHEAD POV(2 week time jump)

Betty and I had spent every-night together for the past 2 weeks and it has been fun. We're going to Pops, The Bijou, late night swimming, going to the Riverdale Carnival, and more. I haven't even bothered to try and kiss her or anything. I'm interested and she's interested. I've been nervous that she would freak out and leave me. I'm keeping it low for now.

Tonight Betty is coming over and we're going to watch the whole "Nightmare On Elm Street" series. We both like horror movies and they're classics. I was in the middle of making popcorn when I heard a knock on the door. I went to it and saw Betty. I let her in and she smiled.

"You're making popcorn for us. That's adorable. I also brought something for us too." Betty smiled she reached inside her purse and pulled out a big bag of M&M's. We chuckled and I brought over the bowl of popcorn and sat down on the couch.

"Are you ready to be scared, Elizabeth Cooper? Mwa Haha!" I exclaimed.

"You're goofball. I'll only be not scared if you hold me."

"I see what you're doing. You really suck at flirting!" I yelled and chuckled. Betty giggled and gasped.

"It's not that bad." Betty nodded.

"Oh, it's that bad." I chuckled. Betty giggled and she snorted while doing it.

"I'm sorry, I snort sometimes when I laugh. It's really embarrassing." Betty shook her head.

"It's adorable. Let's see, you're home-schooled, you like M&M's, and you snort when you laugh. What else do I not know?" I asked. Betty frowned and looked away.

"There's something really important I need to tell you. It's something really serious." Betty said. I started to get concerned and looked over at her.

"I have...experience in popcorn war!" Betty exclaimed throwing popcorn at me. She laughed and I laughed. I picked up popcorn and threw it at her. We threw so much at each other that the bowl was almost gone.

"I guess we should clean this up and make some more." I nodded. Betty nodded and we cleaned up all of it.

"Where's your family right now?" Betty asked.

"They spent the night at a friend's house. My dad said they should go just in case I make a move on you."

"Did you tell them that we haven't even kissed yet?"

"Yeah, but...they're weird. I just have to let it go." I said. We threw the popcorn away and I started making some in the microwave.

"Are we official?" Betty asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we official? Like dating? You know, when two people like each other romantically?" Betty rolled her eyes.

"Do you want us to be official?"

"Yeah. But only if you want to." Betty shrugged.  I closer to her and nodded.

"I would like that very much." I said.

We sat down on the couch and turned on the movie

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We sat down on the couch and turned on the movie. We are lots of food and then we got to the 4th movie. It had been forever but I didn't know how long. We had accidentally fallen asleep and Betty woke me up.

"Hey Jug, What time is it?"

"Um...6:50AM. Why do you ask?"

"What time is sunrise?" Betty asked looking a little panicked.

"Let me check...7:00AM." I nodded. Betty gasped and grabbed her purse and jacket.

"Oh my gosh!" Betty yelled. She started to cry and she ran out of the trailer. I ran outside following her.

"Jughead, you have to take me home!"


"Now!" Betty yelled. We got in my truck and I started it.

"You have to tell me what's going on!" I said really panicked.

"Just drive. My mom has been calling me! Stupid ringer was off!"

"Betty, tell me what's happening!" I yelled.

"Jughead, just freaking drive!" Betty screamed.

"Ok!" I yelled. I started to drive and I went really fast. We were going down the street and Betty looked over.

"The sun is rising! Jughead, drive faster!" Betty screamed while sobbing.

"I'm going as fast as I can! I'm going 40MPH right now!"

"Go 60MPH! Just go faster, please!" Betty screamed. She was really upset and crying. I was really scared. We pulled up to her house and she automatically ran out of the car. She fell but go back up. She ran inside her house and I got out of my car. I ran to the front door and started banging on it.

"Betty! Please, talk to me! What's going on?!" I yelled. I heard a car pull up behind me and saw Betty's mom and siblings get out of the car.

"Is She in there?" Betty's Mom asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Move!" Betty's Mom yelled shoving me out of the way. All 3 of them went inside and slammed the door. I then saw Archie come up to me.

"How could you let this happen to her?!" Archie yelled very annoyed. I shoved him back so he was a little away from me.

"Let what happen to her?! I'm terrified for her, what's going on?!"

"S-She didn't tell you?" Archie said confused.

"Tell me what?!"

"She has XP!"

"What?" I said confused.

"XP, it's short for Xeroderma Pigmentosum. It basically means she can't go in the sun, it can kill her. I'm sorry, I have to get in there. Betty!" Archie yelled going inside the house and shutting the door. I sighed and got in my truck and drove home. I sat on the couch and got on my laptop. I learned anything I could on Betty's XP.

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