⤞ not ever ⤝

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"You don't belong here"
a sentence that I always fear,
"You're way too ugly"
I guess I am.

"You will never be like us"
is being like them a must?
"You're too broken"
I always am.

"You're too fat"
feeling yourself torn apart
"You're too skinny"
"Just kill yourself"

"You wear revealing clothes, you're a slut"
I'm forever stuck,
"You cover up too much, you're a pathetic virgin"
in this world full of judgment.

"You talk too much, an attention seeker"
can a day get any better?
"You don't talk much, you're cold"
a place full of torment.

"Always partying? What a bitch"
I can't escape and just ditch,
"Always reading books? What a nerd"
words full of cruelty.

You're just a filthy mouse
running around the house
you are never perfect
you always do the wrong thing.

Not giving them their expectations
only for their satisfaction
this needs to stop
but it never will.

Humanity was a mistake
His creation, just a waste
is there even a God?
I don't know anymore.

It's always the same thing over again
no pain, no gain
you either die or be killed
no one will ever care.

Not ever.


Not my best, but I am still satisfied with it.

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